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Spark Rokumen
The Sun-kissed Fist

Level 8 Forged Neutral Good Monk
(Far Travller)
/ 45 HP

Discovered and activated too late to fight in the war that created her kind, Spark was found and trained by Master Kohai, a monk of the Way of the Sunward Soul.

Played by
Kelsey Astra
Wed 26th Aug 2020 10:34

2 Reaping, 999 YK

by Spark Rokumen

I have never had such a powerful dream. The vision on the way to the Mournlands was different. What I saw during my last dreamtime was... terrible.
When I went to the Sands of Time to finally confront Girder about the poison he was selling, Badberry Boramar was there. He's been controlling Girder's moves for a while. And he's just so... smug.. and rude.
I wanted to end him now. I was sick of waiting. In my dream...
I didn't.
That's not what happened yesterday, though! I did go to the Sands of Time, and BB was there, telling Girder off for not being able to sell his inventory. It made me happy to hear that my speaking up was changing things, but BB was just being a prick! A short one! and I was already pissed at him for torching 6T2, so I called him out. Ash users all around me and BB tried to dare me with his gems on his string. Yesterday, I didn't fall for it.
In Dream time, I did.
I punched his little cyrstals because how dare he?! How dare he be short and smug and threaten anyone, especially me! I've destroyed fiends.
I survived the fireball. Didn't even feel it.
Bell was hurt...
The 6 ash-piles in the rubble weren't from Girder's inventory.
And Badberry wasn't even singed. The slap of his red ring with the flamestone across my face woke me up.
I can still smell them.
It was just Dream time. It didn't happen.
Kohai filled my early Dreams with movement and action. Over and over and over. Right after we started my training I'm pretty sure he decided my full name was "OnceMore Spark" Speed to action, decisive commitment, unwavering focus. Like the sun, burning away at the height of its rise, setting all falsehood and illusion alight with its unrelenting fury. Until there is nowhere to hide.
"The Sun is never timid. The whole of the sky working in unison is needed to dim its light. Every strike must break through like a sunbeam, instantly, as soon as an opening appears."

The major events and journals in Spark's history, from the beginning to today.

2 Reaping, 999 YK

I have never had such a powerful dream. The vision on the way to the Mournlands was different. What I saw during my last dreamtime was... terrible. When I went to the Sands of Time to finally confront Girder about the poison he was selling, Badberry B...

10:34 pm - 26.08.2020

"To my Biggest fan, Nine. Stay shiny, stay polished! Spark, 999 YK"

03:58 pm - 14.06.2020

"To Leialli Stormreach From Spark The sun kissed my fists, Your cheering kissed my core! Thanks for the support! Highbright 999 YK"

09:21 pm - 14.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Spark.

Electric Keet

Played by
Kelsey Astra