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Lawful Good Chromatic Dragonborn (Far Traveler)
Ranger 7
76 / 76 HP

Campaign & Party

Played by
Tue 23rd Apr 2024 07:43

Session 48

by Ashtel

Morabar leading us through the sewers into Feakrith city.
Tall muscular blonde elves rogue hired by Mira to take us there. Head of thieves guild.
Ingest mushrooms when near comatose patient - the psychic in the feakrith mental asylum.

The major events and journals in Ashtel's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 43 Zor 4th of Thanto 690DH

07:05 pm - 10.06.2024

Session 43 Zor 4th of Thanto 690DH

06:45 pm - 04.06.2024

Session 41 Zol 16th Rhaan

03:00 pm - 22.05.2024

Session 41 Zol 16th Rhaan

06:44 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 40 Far 12th Rhaan

11:27 am - 16.05.2024

Session 40 Far 12th Rhaan

11:27 am - 16.05.2024

Session 39 Zor 11th Rhaan

11:25 am - 16.05.2024

Session 39 Zor 11th Rhaan

11:25 am - 16.05.2024

Session 38 Zor 11th Rhaan

11:25 am - 16.05.2024

Session 38 Zor 11th Rhaan

11:25 am - 16.05.2024

Session 38 Zor 11th Rhaan

11:24 am - 16.05.2024

Session 38 Zor 11th Rhaan

11:24 am - 16.05.2024

Session 37 Zor 11th Rhaan

01:09 pm - 05.05.2024

Session 37 Zor 11th Rhaan

01:08 pm - 05.05.2024

Session 36 Zor 11th Rhaan

10:34 pm - 23.04.2024

Ashtel realised after witnessing the Divan kill Charifla that Charifla can die. He views the fact that he came back as practically miraculous. But on a deeper less conscious level he realises that Charifla, he and Akith are tethered together by something immesly strong. He views Charifla the same as he did before, not as a summon, but as a companion most loyal and in some ways views him as a son. He refuses to accept that Charifla will always come back. He made a vow in his dreams and a promise to Charifla; he will find a way to set Charifla and himself free of this tether to Akith. He'll find out what their real history is. How they came to be. Who they were before.

07:56 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 36 Zor 11th Rhaan

06:49 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 35

08:32 am - 10.04.2024

Session 35

05:44 pm - 09.04.2024

Session 34

07:54 pm - 25.03.2024

Session 34

06:56 pm - 24.03.2024

Session 33

05:59 pm - 16.03.2024

Session 33

07:10 pm - 12.03.2024

Session 32

11:50 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 32

11:50 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 31

12:09 am - 28.02.2024

Session 31

11:11 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 30

02:47 pm - 24.02.2024

Session 30

02:47 pm - 24.02.2024

Ashtel has gained some more confidence. After feeling he failed to help the party with desert navigation and leading them into a rough situation in the prison; providing the party with a means to make a difference by making a deal with the devil to help expose the darkness in the city. Another boon of the conversation with the devil was that Ashtel was able to satisfy his concerns over his relationship with Akith. Although its a worry, he's confident he has a chance to continue to live - without being a danger.

10:39 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 29

11:40 am - 15.02.2024

Session 29

11:40 am - 15.02.2024

Session 28

11:51 pm - 11.02.2024

Session 28

07:02 pm - 11.02.2024

Session 27

11:23 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 27

07:34 pm - 30.01.2024

Session 26

11:44 pm - 23.01.2024

Session 26

07:38 pm - 23.01.2024

Ashtel Discovered Part of the Truth of his past

shtel met with Dharkron's "Neurion" to try and figure out who the mentor figure was that was totally unmentioned until recently. Despite comign accross charismatically, this "Neurion" was curious about Ashtel's backstory. He mentioned the rule about not looking up. Ashtel looked up and was abducted from the dream space and taken back through his own past. This is where he saw concretely that his first and earliest memory is of him being at the top of the lava volcano with the egg (Charifla) in hand. The spider dropped him and he cleared past the fog obscuring where he thought his early memories would be only to find a connecting firery web. The vision was of being under the lava from the egg's perspective and hearing chanting of cultists, making 2 sacrifices int he hope that "Akith the eternal one" would live again. The sacrifices were a man and a child. Upon seeing this memory, Ashtel was plucked from the dream space, presumably by the voice he heard before who said "this place is not for you vessel, return." It would appear from this that Ashtel was not born to parents, but rather created as a vessel for the ancient red dragon, Akith, from the ritual of cultists. But who then is Charifla? Why is Akith not in control? Who is Ashtel?

10:32 pm - 21.01.2024

What the fuck is going on in this damn city?

10:30 pm - 21.01.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ashtel.

Played by

Other Characters by MrXCharles