Antoinette Marie Sardonet | World Anvil

Antoinette Marie Sardonet

9-Level Wizard 3-Level Archmage

An excitable, thristy for knowledge kobold dreaming of becoming the greatest wizard of her homeland.

Campaign & Party

Thu 23rd Mar 2023 08:43

Antoinette's Past

by Antoinette Marie Sardonet

Antoinette (or Nettie to her friends) is a red-scaled Kobold from Brevoy. She grew up in the Stolen Lands but was eventually taken in as an apprentice by a powerful wizard named Artilax.

She spent years studying all the arcane schools of magic and one day her teacher told her that he had taught her all he could and it was now up to her to travel the world, gain experience and knowledge she wouldn't find in her books. Artilax had often offered council to Lady Jamandi and when he heard her call for adventurers, got into contact with her to send Antoinette there as his representative.

The major events and journals in Antoinette's history, from the beginning to today.

Antoinette's Past

[p]Antoinette (or Nettie to her friends) is a red-scaled Kobold from Brevoy. She grew up in the Stolen Lands but was eventually taken in as an apprentice by a powerful wizard named Artilax. [/p] [p]She spent years studying all the arcane schools of magic...

11:57 am - 20.03.2023

A journal assigned to session

Begin writing your story here......

07:10 am - 01.09.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Antoinette.