Constantina Varro | World Anvil

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Constantina Varro

Constantina is running out of places to hide and now she has found a letter looking for adventurers, this could be her way out not only getting away from Justina's band but also for gathering allies to ensure that they cant get to her.

16th of Highsun 1450

Meeting the party.

by Constantina Varro

The past few days have been quite interesting, it all went pear-shaped as soon as I got to Braust’s local tavern, when I was informed that the summon I was responding to was now nul and void due to escalations in the area but in return I was offered a new job to investigate a temple to the north which it was reported to contain a obelisk, the obelisks in question were being tied to the incursions of the Icehide kobolds, a most dangerous of scouting mission and to achieve this a band of like minded adventurers was assembled.
I teamed up with several people, the first of which being Jerimiah Steel, a mysterious man with many scars that tell a story of hardship and learning, he fights using the styles of the monks that I have read about in the great libraries of The Arcane City, next being Eol Vilya, a intelligent elf who has wasted his talents chasing shrooms and potions to a position that would better suit someone of lesser talents, The third party member is Ryze, A simple goliath that knows something expensive/important when he sees it, I am impressed he showed great initiative when passing on his findings about the obelisk, he shows great promise to civilise for the mountain of muscle that he is and finally there is Harold Barnslow, a man that is not very talkative for a bard but rather lets his bagpipes speak for him which he does a adequate job doing.
The journey to the Temple was very uneventful allowing us all to get our affairs in order and be well rested for entering. As soon as we entered we found ourselves in a room with four magically activated pedestals and a locked door, I set about figuring this room out and the limits of the arcane contraption and after 10-20 minutes we passed the puzzle.
The next passage had a resetting arrow trap in which most of the party went a bit tunnel visioned and tried to dodge the arrows as they were fired, I on the other hand ducked under the pathway of the arrows and bypassed the trap completely.
The final important room of the temple was the one containing the obelisk and dead Yuan-Ti as soon as we entered the obelisk took notice of our presence destroyed the bodies and used magic to manipulate the swords into makeshift defenders and a scuffle ensued. I noticed that the obelisk was influencing reality through repairing swords, reanimating them once they have been put down, reforming them once destroyed, casting the spells Arcane Missile and Counterspell. Once we did enough damage to the structure, it imploded leaving no evidence of its existence, not even the swords.
In the aftermath we took a peek around the rest of the temple and Ryze discovered a sword of warning and a tome concerning the obelisk. We are now about to depart back to Braust with high hopes for monetary compensation for the blood lost and hours spent investigating this place.

The major events and journals in Constantina's history, from the beginning to today.

Meeting the party.

The past few days have been quite interesting, it all went pear-shaped as soon as I got to Braust’s local tavern, when I was informed that the summon I was responding to was now nul and void due to escalations in the area but in return I was offered a n...

11:50 pm - 20.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Constantina.