Alexandre Dumas | World Anvil

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Alexandre Dumas

Foppish gentleman with a rapier as quick as his tongue, his main concerns are fortune, glory, having a good time and getting into situations that he should not be in.

20th Highsun 1450


by Alexandre Dumas

Today began as any other, I packed up my camp and did an hour of practising my shooting, ensuring my gun is in proper working order and that the gunpowder had not gotten wet on my journey here.
An hour later I arrived in the town of Braust and headed to the tavern, I needed a drink after such a long journey from Vildorf, I was here to meet with the Colonel at the town due to a summon about kobolds which changed to an investigation of oddities and then to a captured fort, I was anxious to find out what was going on and see if i could use the chaos of the area to earn a lot of gold.
After I had my drink and my breakfast, I went to see Colonel Karl Stuhr about any of the jobs he was offering to find out that some gits had taken the only remaining job before I could get here and there was no work to be done, its safe to say that I was thoroughly annoyed, as I exited the building I rounded the corner to a mugging in progress at which point i challenged the ruffian to a duel at which point the brigand dropped the valuables he had stolen and fled like the darkness flees from a light of a torch.
The man I helped was mightily pleased and offered to hole me up for the night, needless to say I accepted as I was with no accommodation and no friends to stay with.
The rest of the night was filled with carousing lasting through the night as myself and my generous host exchanged stories and earned wisdom.

The major events and journals in Alexandre's history, from the beginning to today.


Today began as any other, I packed up my camp and did an hour of practising my shooting, ensuring my gun is in proper working order and that the gunpowder had not gotten wet on my journey here. An hour later I arrived in the town of Braust and headed t...

02:40 pm - 27.08.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alexandre.