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Agent Amaris Ebonwood

Level 5 Ghostwise Halfling Chaotic Good Gloom-stalker Ranger
46 / 46 HP

Amaris is a stealthy, and stylish Recon Agent with red in her ledger. Typically tasked with protecting a team scouting ahead for, and researching the locations of fallen shards of the World Anvil.

Played by
Autumn Blaze

A nocturnal Elven/Faye creature, who's turned from an artist to a writer, has a sassy and sarcastic sense of humor, loves science fiction and fantasy, is an avid reader, is more than slightly crazy (the best people are), fictionally-romantic ace. Autumn Blaze is the English Human version of my name, Lasselanta Nariel is the Quenya Elvish version. You may call me by either version of my name, the a's in the elven version are soft 'aww's like in lawn not harsh or nasal as in apple.

Other characters
Fri 25th Oct 2019 10:38

Tairos, the search.

by Agent Amaris Ebonwood

I searched the camp while we rested but no manasite, except for some small shards that are designed to power specific devices. I've taken one of the smaller devices, and hope to turn it over for study when we get back. I feel like someone should know more about what Black Mark Acquisitions are doing down here. We're setting off for the treeline. The shard should be on the other side.
What is causing this infernal humming?? I feel like I should know, but I can't think it's so loud. UGH.
Kaldur seems to feel guilty over catching me with that shatter spell. A rookie mistake, but I'll let him think on it for a while. Rib him a bit for it. We'll talk when the mission's over.
This area seems more effected by the shard in the short time it's been here than it should. This is worrying.
The spores are alive and magical. Verinar inhaled some, and doesn't seem to be doing well. I'll try to keep an eye on him. He's almost walked into a pit several times. I don't think he's enjoying his first day as a seeker very much. Not that I can blame him, this is a terrible way to start out.
Dutroti are adorable and shouldn't be hunted. That is all. Also, the shard has given them a measure of telepathic communication. I will include this in my official report. I hope our help was enough.
Blades for arms??? SERIOUSLY??

Amaris's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Calamity. (pt. 1)
    21 Sep 2019 12:11:30
  2. The Calamity. (pt. 2)
    11 Oct 2019 09:10:52
  3. Tairos, World entry.
    25 Oct 2019 10:20:26
  4. Tairos, the search.
    25 Oct 2019 10:38:01

The major events and journals in Amaris's history, from the beginning to today.

Cutest things. Must protect.

10:53 pm - 25.10.2019

Tairos, the search.

I searched the camp while we rested but no manasite, except for some small shards that are designed to power specific devices. I've taken one of the smaller devices, and hope to turn it over for study when we get back. I feel like someone should know more...

10:38 pm - 25.10.2019

Tairos, World entry.

The world appears to be quite full of magic for all that its use is limited by these manasite crystals. I must assume it's being mined somehow to make them, yet I confess that I didn't do as much research on this world as I'd like before we left. We're...

06:02 pm - 25.10.2019

[i]whisper going through the portal:[/i] "For you, Eli."

09:29 pm - 11.10.2019

The Calamity. (pt. 2)

We're doomed. 505 Shards and counting. I've been saddled with a group of greenhorns who have no idea what they're doing. [i]but I will make this work!![/i] I have to. This may be my only chance to get back in the field. If I fail this... No. I can't fail...

09:10 pm - 11.10.2019

The Calamity. (pt. 1)

The incarceration continues. If I sharpen my weapons any more they'll cut [i]AIR[/i]. Tried a magic based solvent this morning. No use, stains remain. Waiting for results on my psyche eval, they should be here today. [i]Please[/i], let them be good news, ...

12:11 am - 21.09.2019

Amaris keeps all of her things by the door and ready to go. She cleans and buffs her weapons, and puts them back in their places. She unconsciously touches the edge of the teacup hanging in its holster every time she passes. Her belt holster hangs next to her duster coat by the door.

10:13 pm - 20.09.2019

What is going on??? Oh no...this is bad.

08:56 pm - 20.09.2019

45 days????!!! *punches wall* AAaaaaaaagh!!!

08:56 pm - 20.09.2019

I hate paperwork!!! I was meant for fieldwork, not a desk job! Ugh! Stupid psyche eval...

02:51 am - 20.09.2019

Amaris, full picture (sans coat)

02:49 am - 20.09.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Amaris.

Played by
Autumn Blaze

A nocturnal Elven/Faye creature, who's turned from an artist to a writer, has a sassy and sarcastic sense of humor, loves science fiction and fantasy, is an avid reader, is more than slightly crazy (the best people are), fictionally-romantic ace. Autumn Blaze is the English Human version of my name, Lasselanta Nariel is the Quenya Elvish version. You may call me by either version of my name, the a's in the elven version are soft 'aww's like in lawn not harsh or nasal as in apple.

Other Characters by Lasselanta_Nariel