Divine Priestess Arinelle Illum | World Anvil

Divine Priestess Arinelle Illum

Aasimar (Acolyte)
Life Cleric 3
33 / 33 HP

A cleric of Loreali, she was raised by the church in the Cathedral of Light in Novandria and believes she has a great destiny to fulfill in healing and aiding others. She is a kind, gentle soul but often far too serious.

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Mon 19th Feb 2024 07:39

Be the Light

by Divine Priestess Arinelle Illum

“I am Arinelle Illum, dedicated cleric of Loreali, and I will choose my own damn Destiny.”
The memory of her Truth echoed in her mind.
She was not a tool of Akmon. She was not a tool of the Church. She was Arinelle.
She briefly remembered the feel of absolute confidence her alternate timeline self felt. How she’d felt that way once herself, before the truth about her origin and the origin of her prophecy was revealed. Before she’d lost that strong sense of purpose, of Knowing. Before they’d stolen it from her with their lies and hidden agendas.
In the early pre-dawn hours, Arinelle quickly dressed herself and hurried from the manor. She apologetically woke a stablehand and had a horse saddled for her before riding toward town, taking the route she knew even with her eyes closed to the Cathedral of Light. Hitching the horse, she made her way inside with a quick, confident stride. She nodded to those she passed but did not stop as she made her way to one of the Dawn Rooms. Inside, she glanced around and took a breath before carefully closing and latching the door. The dawn had not yet peaked above the horizon, though some light was beginning to show.
The church leaders may have lied to her, but Loreali never had. Regardless of her origin, Loreali had chosen to bless her with divine power. Loreali had believed in her. She had no doubt that, even if Arinelle had not known where she came from, Loreali had–and had chosen her despite her connection to Akmon. She may have been created to be the Sword of the Morning, but she would use that power to defend the weak, aid the needy, and to strike down those who would destroy peace for their own cruel ends.
She began to set up a ritual circle, placing candles around the room, setting out silver goblets filled with pure, clear water. Under her jacket, she’d chosen to wear her most simple, pure white acolyte’s dress; no formal robes, no divine cleric gown. There was no pretense here, it was just her and Loreali.
“Loreali,” she murmured as she lit each of the candles, the light of dawn just beginning to spill across the land, “I know that you are listening. I may have been created by Akmon, however he is your brother and I choose to believe that I am thus also a part of You. I have seen visions of my life under His tutelage. I don’t remember much, but I know that it was lonely. That the harsh glare of the sun leaves little room for the gentle glow of love, kindness, and mercy. I have always felt myself blessed by your touch, by your strength, by the divine gifts that you have chosen to share with me.”
She completed lighting the circle of candles and began to take each goblet of water, carefully using them to rinse the hands and feet of the statue of Loreali that sat in the room, glowing in the candlelight and the rising dawn. “To aid others is to walk in Your Light. To defend against cruelty, to prevent tyranny from destroying peace, to give succor to those in need is to let my Light shine beside Yours. Not to drown out all other light under a single oppressive globe, but stand beside you and add my Light to your own, strengthening all and guiding those in the dark. If I am to be a weapon, let me be the Dawn Sword. Let me use my power to Defend the oppressed, not to be used against them for those in pursuit of power.”
Kneeling in front of the statue as the dawn fully broke, she spoke with quiet confidence, both hands clasping her amulet, head bowed, eyes closed. “I swear to Kindle the Light of hope in the world, beating back despair through my acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. To Shelter the Light of others and to stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. To Preserve My Own Light for if I allow the light to die in my own heart, I cannot preserve it in the world. And to Be the Light, letting the light of my joy and courage shine forth in all of my deeds as a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. I once again pledge my devotion, my life, into your care for the rest of my days. May my Light kindle the Light in others until the world is awash in the soft glow of dawn.”

Arinelle's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. No Time for Childhood
    19 Sep 2022 05:17:21
  2. Playlist
    20 Sep 2022 05:51:11
  3. Donning the Armor
    8th of October, 1882 ME
  4. Taking Flight
    25th of November, 1882 ME
  5. The Weight of Disappointment
    1st of February, 1883 ME
  6. No Other Choice
    19 Jun 2023 02:21:47
  7. Who Am I?
    20 Jun 2023 09:25:07
  8. Confrontation
    18 Jul 2023 08:07:02
  9. Made for This
    16 Oct 2023 03:08:13
  10. Be the Light
    19 Feb 2024 07:39:25

The major events and journals in Arinelle's history, from the beginning to today.

Made for This

[i]I was made for this Born in the wild Formed in the fire Built for the battle, oh I was made for this[/i] The mace smashed into the dummy, stuffing flying. The sun had long since set and sweat dripped from beneath her armor despite the cool weath...

12:39 pm - 16.10.2023

The Weight of Disappointment

Sweat dripped from Arinelle’s brow, plastering tendrils of her blonde hair to her forehead and neck. The simple but artful braids and curls of her hairstyle had begun to come loose, but still she did not stop. Her mace slammed against the practice dummy...

03:19 am - 01.02.2023

Taking Flight

Arinelle dreamed of flying. Great, glorious wings of golden light sprouting from her back. The wind in her face. The cityscape of Novandria spread out beneath her, glittering in the dark. She felt free! The weight of gravity no longer holding her down....

03:57 pm - 25.11.2022

Donning the Armor

Arinellle steeled her spine as she walked across the large lot where the Cathedral of Light and related buildings were. She was going to the barracks and training grounds of the Guardians of Light to request provisions from the armory. [i]"Then let th...

03:39 pm - 08.10.2022

No Time for Childhood

Arinelle sat on the edge of her small bed, tiny legs swinging back and forth restlessly. Every once in a while, her skin would catch the light of a candle and glitter just a bit, like she’d crawled through gold dust. “You mustn't run off like that...

05:17 pm - 19.09.2022


[b]Cleric of Loreali[/b] Good Fight - Unspoken Burn so Bright - Bella Thorne Burn - Ellie Goulding [b]Living Up to My Destiny[/b] Leading the Pack - Sam Tinnesz I Am the Fire - Halestorm Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons The Greatest - Sia Bo...

09:18 pm - 07.09.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Arinelle.

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