Ovie gReth | World Anvil

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Sun 27th Jun 2021 10:42

Session 2

by Ovie gReth

This is just getting worse. I needed a ship and to get out of the city, but now I've been conscripted to fight chaos forces on some backwater planet on the wrong side of the rift. I thought this would be a good way to go to avoid the fall out after Antari Hadrak died, but goddamnit i would have preferred that. Who knows when I'm going to get a ship. This people are nuts and fanatical.
I need to find a market soon.

The major events and journals in Ovie's history, from the beginning to today.


06:09 pm - 10.02.2024


09:05 pm - 28.05.2022

Flight of the Silver Raven

11:16 pm - 21.08.2021

Being not dead is better than being dead.

07:45 pm - 21.08.2021

Flight of the Silver Raven

06:29 pm - 21.08.2021

Session 2

This is just getting worse. I needed a ship and to get out of the city, but now I've been conscripted to fight chaos forces on some backwater planet on the wrong side of the rift. I thought this would be a good way to go to avoid the fall out after Antari...

10:42 pm - 27.06.2021

The session

10:26 pm - 27.06.2021

The session

05:43 pm - 27.06.2021

Gathering of the Lost

02:10 am - 16.05.2021

Don’t eat it!

12:08 am - 16.05.2021

…Why is this my day?

12:00 am - 16.05.2021

Heretics for turnips

11:00 pm - 15.05.2021

Gathering of the Lost

10:56 pm - 15.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ovie.