Gelt Alpha-Mu 36 | World Anvil

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Gelt Alpha-Mu 36

Fringe scientist, experimenter, collector of parts and knowledge. Never ask me "why do you need that?" or "where did you get that?" "Great Maker, I am Your holy instrument, blessed of iron and cursed of flesh."


Campaign & Party

Played by
Sat 21st Aug 2021 11:32

Session 3: The Silver Raven

by Gelt Alpha-Mu 36

Fig examines the surrounding areas for relics and interesting pieces to collect. Using my bionics, I try to find discarded weapons and equipment to upgrade Stroika-Unit, my new servitor, but there is nothing on the battlefield in good enough condition to take.
As my evacuation broadcast goes out, the warp storm grows larger in the sky, reaching out towards the city.
The sounds of battle continue to rage in the distance, growing more intense. The forces of Chaos are either pushing further into the city or the forces of the Imperium are pushing back, there is no telling over the radio chatter.
From his armor, L.Enni removes a slightly squashed box of chocolates. The group recoils, wondering how long they have been there. Ovie asks, “I thought you only ate turnips?” L.Enni shrugs and says, “why?”
When we get back to the ship, we see three scrawny figures painting heretical symbols on the side with crude paint. I shout, “They offend the Omnissiah and his great workings with their heretical symbols!” Jessima agrees. In her ire over the desecration of her ship, Ovie throws a rock, hitting one in the head, catching the attention of the group. They turn to us, mud caked on their rags and pale skin, baring their teeth. I order Stroika-Unit to aim his lasguns as I aim my rifle: in a thunder of sound and fury of fire, the cultists are torn apart. One moans on the ground, not yet dead. Ovie hopes that his suffering gives him time to understand he could have avoided this by not touching her ship.
As we approach, Fig pulls her knife and holds it against the struggling cultist’s throat: “You will tell me everything I want to know or I will make sure you suffer a fate worse than death.” He gurgles “what do you want to know?” and Fig asks the names of the Chaos Marine and Sorcerer leading the ritual we just interrupted – Dylax the Apostate is the Sorcerer. Fig asks for the details of his organization, including any notes – he is puzzled and not sure what she is asking for. Ovie demands answers for the symbols on the ship – what are they and why are they do. Meanwhile, L.Enni picks up the dying cultist by the front of his rags and begins wiping the paint off the side of the ship while Jessima prays to bless the blood from the cultists, all in an effort to rid the ship of the chaotic symbols. As Jessima prays, the cultist screams in pain, shouting answers to Fig’s questions (sorcerer’s name). As she prays, the cultist’s body begins to smoke and get hotter. I suggest to L.Enni to drop him before he immolates, and as his body hits the ground he is fully engulfed in flames. The side of the ship is scorched and covered in blood, but the symbols are gone.
Jessima provides him with the Emperor’s Mercy with a las blast to the head. Ovie spits on his body, stating she would have let him burn for touching her ship. While he’s dying, Fig sees his soul fleeing his body only to be quickly swallowed by an unseen force.
I enter the ship and run a full diagnostic screening – the cultists had not affected the machine spirits therein. Ovie enters the cockpit and steers us back to the port and Cannoness Preceptor.
As Jessima begins to clean her medical tools, I walk over to her and see she’s at work at the bench so I pop out my bionic eye to run diagnostics and repairs on the thermal scanners. She first flinches, then shrugs and returns to work. As Ovie flies, we work in silence. Fig meditates to calm her mind.
As we approach the space port, we begin to take antiaircraft fire. A battle is raging at the port, with a squadron of Sisters taking heavy fire and fully engaged. Ovie evades fire as we look for place to land. Using my datalink, I override the main channel chatter to determine a safe place to land – rear of the line next to the Sister’s command tent.
(Active combat zone, bullets flying near, loud, explosions, incoming arterial shells, plans overhead dropping bombs.)
There is a group of Sisters surrounding the entrance to the tent, looking tense and saddened.
L.Enni hands me pieces of power armor from a fallen Sister for parts for him – I put them with Stroika-Unit.
Fig goes to question the Sisters, but they are deep in prayer. Jessima joins them, adding her voice to the prayers. The Imperial forces are being pushed back and our position will not be safe for long.
Inside the tent, the Cannoness lies in state on a bier, her face peaceful. The bolter wounds that felled her are evident. Jessima goes to the Sister Superior who is standing inside the tent, watching over the body of the fallen Cannoness.
Sister Superior Decimine is younger than most, but bears her position well. Jessima gives her a status update on our mission, assuring her the ritual was stopped and we are awaiting further instruction. She praises our successes (with a plum – like, the fruit) but much of the war effort is going poorly. Too many World Eater Space Marines have erupted from the warp storm and many of the Sisters lie dead on the battlefield. The remaining Sisters will be left to defend the evacuation of civilians. 10 initiates, ranging in ages from 10-15, are brought to Jessima – we have to get them off planet and back to the convent. They are among the last of the Sisters and the survival of the chapter depends on their survival.
Sister Superior Decimine orders Jessima to kneel – taking the Cannoness’s sword, she lays the blade on Jessima’s shoulders, tasking her with this holy mission and making her a full Sister. The Sister Superior gives Jessima her bolt gun, telling her she was underarmed. Her parting words, “Die well.”
Ensuring the initiates are armed, Jessima brings them to the group. We must get them off planet and back to the convent, preserving the order. As we walk to the ship, the Sisters line the walkway in an honorable escort.
Ovie scoffs – was that a vote of confidence? Weird ass military people….
Artillery fire is getting closer to our location. We board the ship begin to take off.
(The heaviest fire is coming from the Wode as the Chaos forces push into Pelone.)
On the ship, Jessima and the intiates stare at the armor L.Enni took. I reassure them that through the reincarnation of steel by the Will of the Omnissiah, His great works will be done. L.Enni points out that these could be blessed relics and carrying them into battle is a good thing. The issue rests for now.
Jessima is aware that there is a fleet of Secundus trying to hold back battleships as best they can. This fleet is under command of Admiral Denis Tupikov. They were uniquely prepared to battle the chaos forces here. To escape the planet, we will need to get to the fleet to dock on one of the Naval ships in the Secundus fleet. Jessima hails the fleet but all that comes through is static. I am unable to get a signal through, and Ovie elects to take off and head over to the fleet’s location. We do not know how close the closest ship may be. Ovie maximizes burn from the engines and will get us there in 15 minutes, not 30.
L.Enni stands on the bay door of the drop ship as it takes off, firing bolt pistol blasts at the cultists beginning to overrun the port. A World Eater steps out from the crowd, pointing menacingly at L.Enni. L.Enni’s brow furrows and he raises a hand, waiving at the Chaos Marine as Ovie takes the ship into the sky.
In the skies, the battle rages with the Imperium holding against the Chaos ships. The Stormspear is taking on three chaos ships on its own as explosions rage and other drop ships come up from the planet with civilians. Pieces of ships, Imperial and Chaos, float in the sky.
We decide to go for the Stormspear, the flagship of the fleet. We open a comm link to the Vox officer on the bridge, they are expecting us after receiving prior word from the Sisters on the ground. Since our takeoff, they have lost contact with everyone on the ground. Jessima says a quick prayer for her fallen Sisters.
The warp storm is growing, and within an hour it will consume the planet. Fig stares directly at it – and then casually looks away.
We make our way to the flagship. As we fly, a Chaos ship is on an intercept course to the Stormspear. I contact the Vox officer on the bridge: Chaos is on intercept in 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, a barrage from the Chaos ship takes down the void shields on the Stormspear and goes to ramming speed. The other ships in the fleet, faster than the Stormspear, are further ahead and getting ready to enter the warp.
There are 3 disabled ships near us – including the Silver Raven. It is by far the most intact but does not currently have power and has several hull breaches, but I think I can get it moving if we can get on board.
Jessima hails the Stormspear: get out while you can, we will take another route. The Stormspear turns, facing Chaos head-on. At the last moment, she turns, firing her guns and breaking away from the line of Chaos ships, moving to safety.
We approach the Silver Raven and make our way to docking. Ovie successfully docks, dodging debris and blasts.
In the bay, instead of the classic golden eagle motifs of the Imperium, there are large silver ravens with claws outstretched. There are several other drop ships and multiple sets of bulkheads leading to other parts of the ship.
I find a docking station to run diagnostics – power up the unit, then access the data inside: the reactor is still powered, but not giving enough power to the engines. We must get power to the bridge, power to the navigator suite, power to the engines, power to the warp engines and Gellar field. I need to get down to the Enginarium decks.
The broadside macrocannons are inoperable. The forward lance does not have enough power to fire. We have one operational gun.
Keep things low powered until the warp engines and Gellar device ready and then warp out.
Keep the initiates on the bridge. They can help shut down areas that are damaged so we are secured.
Head to the main Arterial passageway – take a tram! How long will this take? Void suits available for any breached areas.
As we make our way out of the hangar, we are in what was a crew friendly area with a medicae suite, a chapel, crew quarters, small café, etc. Fig finds two good syringes, brand new.
At the start of the main Arterial Causeway – some of it is powered, some is not. Lights flickering, fallen beams, nothing looks like it’s void open but we can’t see down the full hall into the darkness. Is there a tram we can use? We find maintenance hatches that lead down to the alternate hallways. In the distance, we hear a bestial roar.
Fig, channeling their psychic powers, enters Warp speed. She gets too far, breaking comms, and has split off from the party. Fig also hears the bestial roar and still ran for the navigator’s quarters.
We head into the alternate hallways and look for ammunition carts/loaders to use – it will be easier to get the tiny initiates where we need to go with these. On the other side of the bulkhead doors, there are objects barricading the hallway. Someone was trying to keep something out of this area – high alert.
L.Enni and I are leading, Jessima and Ovie are on either side of the initiates, Stroika-Unit brings up the rear. We see signs of battle but no bodies. We find tracked and pilotable carts – pilotable carts up and running so Ovie can “drive” the initiates and I get the tracked carts (used for macrocannon shells) going for movement. Ovie and Jessima head to the bridge with the initiates. L.Enni, Stroika, and I get into the tracked cart and head down to the Enginarium decks. On the way, we see pools and streaks of blood, shells, and signs of blaster fire but no bodies.
Ovie: “Maybe all the bodies are being eaten.”
Jessamin: “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this in front of the initiates…”
Ovie: *shrugs* “Well, they’re in the world now.”
Up ahead, there is a strange reddish glow. We ready weapons and aim, slowing slightly. As we come to a junction with side passages heading to the gunnery decks, there is a crack in the wall with red/purple light that hurts to look at – keep going. As we pass the crack, we can see it’s slowly growing. In a passing scan, I know it’s of the Warp.
*I need to get to the Gellar device and purge this ship*
As voices begin to sound from the walls and hallways, Jessima leads the initiates in a prayer.
We approach the Command and Control decks – this is our branching off point. Ovie and Jessima take the initiates up towards the bridge, seeing the large cracks in the walls and the sickening glow within.
L.Enni and I, with Stroika, head to Enginarium. Ovie familiarizes herself with the workings of the Bridge, trying to see what hs power and what doesn’t. Jessima tries to find the last communication of the ship and the voices start getting louder from all directions.
In the Command Throne, there is nothing but the charred bones of a skeleton, still gripping the arms of the throne. Ovie moves him to a different chair. Jessima leads the initiates in prayer, invoking the blessings of the Holy Emporer.
Down in the Enginarium, I work to restore power to the Bridge – systems are online. Ovie will remain in the Command Throne to get the ship moving as systems are restored. We are in contact with Fig again – she is in the Navigator’s quarters.
*Restore power to engines, restore power to the Gellar device, restore power to the warp drive*
With communication restored, Fig tells us about the boarding torpedoes, the chanting, and the lack of bodies. We all hear the chanting. She tells us the cracks get bigger with psychic presence. Fig is familiarizing herself with the navigation suite when she hears banging coming from behind a closed door. Behind the door she hears an old man, possibly the ship’s navigator who says he’s from the Ortellian clan, and there’s a code needed to open the door. Ovie finds the code and Fig opens the door.
A mighty roar echoes through the ship. I must commune with the machine spirits to restore this ship and save us. I power up the servitors, bringing the cogs of His great workings together as one, and as they come online the power is restored and the chanting suddenly stops. In the bridge, the cracks open further and claws appear, reaching out and swiping at whatever is near.
I turn my attention to the Gellar device: I will recalibrate the system inward, creating a massive bubble of reality within the ship to purge it of its heretical stains.
Fig: the door opens, the burned out body of a three eyed person, charred bones devoid of flesh. A large red horned figure, a Blood Reaper, holding a flaming great sword, stalks toward Fig. It hisses, “Renzun…” as it moves towards her.
Fig backs away from the approaching demon, knowing she cannot fight it. She looks for a plan of escape. Warp speed!
On the Bridge, the initiates aim and fire at the smaller horned creatures erupting from the cracks. As the demons manifest, they are no match for the Holy fire of their lasguns and bolter, and they fall far away from Ovie in the Command Throne.
In the Enginarium, the servitors and I, through his great workings, are able to restore power to the engines in 5 minutes. 10 minutes for warp drive. 15 minutes for the Gellar device power.
L.Enni battles with a red clad Chaos Space Marine while I work. I order Stroika-Unit to defend him.
Fig runs back to the Bridge where Jessima and her initiates are holding off the lesser demons. Fig pushes out with her “enfeebling” to defend herself against the demon. Small cuts appear across his chest, causing him to roar in rage and pain. “Toasty”, says Fig.
Ovie fires up the engines, getting the ship moving. The ship shakes as the engine fires, sparking the interest of the Chaos ships nearby.
The Chaos Space Marine swings his chainsword at L.Enni, but L.Enni dodges. Stroika fires but does no damage.
Jessima and her initiates continue to fire, Jessima turning their attention to the Blood Reaper in pursuit of Fig. 3 of the initiates hit the demon, drawing its attention and goading another roar of rage. Jessima aims her holy bolt gun, firing and wounding the demon. It roars, “Blood for the Blood God! It matters not from where the blood comes!” Shrieking its rage, it swipes at one of the initiates, lopping her head off as she screams in fear. Catching her decapitated head, he screams, “Skulls for the skull throne!” The blood reaper holds up the skull, bringing up unholy fire to scorch the flesh from the bone. As he does so, Ovie aims her lasgun, firing at the Blood Reaper with rapid fire – she hits one eye, half blinding the demon.
Fig brings up her force staff, but it does nothing against the demon. As she swings, the youngest initiate falls to her knees and begins to pray.
L.Enni brings up his two chainswords, setting his stance and going on the attack against the Chaos Marine. With a mighty blow, L.Enni disembowels the Marine, sending his guts flying around the Enginarium. I only complain slightly about the organic ick covering my workspace.
On the bridge, the Blood Reaper is enraged. Ovie notes that the ship is starting to take hits and Ovie pushes the afterburners to max speeds to get us out of fire, screaming “Hold on!” as she fires the engines. This pulls us away from the rift and just beyond the Chaos ships’ range (for now). The demon and everyone on the bridge is off balance and Jessima and the initiates are now closer to the demon. L.Enni and I have magnetic armor/abilities that keep us on balance. Fig reaches out and enfeebles the demon, not only wounding him but also adding to his strain. He seems to dim as his power and linkage to the warp fades.
Jessima’s initiates (8 of them) aim and fire at the demon. He is heavily wounded and screams “For Khorn!” as he tries to strike at the praying initiate. She begins to glow as his great sword stops just before the killing blow. She begins to levitate, light pouring from her eyes. As it falls upon the demon, he begins to bubble and whispers “Anathema” before exploding, showering the bridge with blood. Jessima screams in triumph as the initiate falls to the ground, unconscious. Jessima goes to her side and finds that she is in a coma.
Down below, I get a status update on the comms – any signs of Chaos are gone from the ship. I can get the Gellar device up and in its usual calibration for warp travel.
The ship is ready for warp travel – Ovie fires the engines and gets us to the Mandeville point. Fig enters the navigator’s quarters. Over the comms, Ovie tells Fig we’re ready for travel whenever Fig is. [Fig enters the chamber, shutting the door behind her. She places her hands over the skull of the charred, dead navigator and opens herself to the warp.]
The nearest port is Bonavera, where the rest of the fleet is now. The initiates need to get to Idyll IV.
First step: get to the port for repairs and crewing to keep the Silver Raven. Next step, get the initiates where they need to go.
[Fig begins to use her biomancy to take the dead navigator’s eye and incorporate it into herself. She cannot yet, but she is able to use his eye to see into the warp. She sees a path, flanked by faces of demons in purple clouds, and hears a whisper in the back of her mind asking, “Where am I?” As long as she is holding onto the skull, she can navigate the ship. She is unaware that as she does this, the third eye in the skull is blazing with psychic power. Fig cannot leave the navigator’s quarters while the ship is traveling.]
XP earned: +10

Gelt's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 1: The Many Paths of the Omnissiah
    Day 14 of Month 3 of Year 15 of M42
  2. Session 2: Through His Great Workings
    Day 15 of Month 3 of Year 15 of M42
  3. Session 3: The Silver Raven
    21 Aug 2021 11:32:47

The major events and journals in Gelt's history, from the beginning to today.


06:09 pm - 10.02.2024

"How you aggravate the forces of Chaos is up to you."



09:05 pm - 28.05.2022

Session 3: The Silver Raven

Fig examines the surrounding areas for relics and interesting pieces to collect. Using my bionics, I try to find discarded weapons and equipment to upgrade Stroika-Unit, my new servitor, but there is nothing on the battlefield in good enough condition to...

11:32 pm - 21.08.2021

Flight of the Silver Raven

11:16 pm - 21.08.2021

*listening to music as Lenny chainswords a Chaos Marine in the guts* "Where in the name of the Machine God did all of this...ick come from??"


Although flesh may blacken and fail, fear not, for this too can be replaced. You can be reincarnated - reborn in steel by the Will of the Omnissiah.


Flight of the Silver Raven

06:29 pm - 21.08.2021

Session 2: Through His Great Workings

As Ovie navigates the drop ship towards the hive post, I begin to analyze the data downloaded from the bridge of the Cobra class destroyer. “L”, the mangled example of a Space Marine, searches the drop ship for tuberous vegetables. The desires of fl...

10:30 pm - 27.06.2021

The session

10:26 pm - 27.06.2021

As she stared into the abyss, the abyss stared back. She then flipped off the abyss.


“I’m so glad we woke her up for this.”


I'll need time to analyze the data downloaded from the bridge.


The session

05:43 pm - 27.06.2021

What in the name of the Machine God have I gotten myself into now?


Gathering of the Lost

02:10 am - 16.05.2021

Only tacky bitches put swinging doors in their flying cathedrals.


A real Skid Row aesthetic.


The Many Paths of the Omnissiah

On the hive planet Pelone, I found a crashed drop ship with an unknown human and an unconscious sister of battle. Rejoining the Astartes squadron to which I had been assigned, a doomed destroyer fell from the sky, crashing into the wall of the hive city ...

12:26 am - 16.05.2021

I cannot tell which of you is alive or dead; you all lack the spark of the Omnissiah.


Sisters of Battle, alongside the Mechanicus, working to purge this world of the alien scourge in the name of the Emperor.


What's a turnip?


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Gathering of the Lost

10:56 pm - 15.05.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gelt.

Played by