Xynya Seraphim | World Anvil

Xynya Seraphim

Neutral? Harpy (Aarakocra Stats) (Criminal (Enforcer/Smuggler))
Druid-Wildfire 8
Warlock- Raven Queen 3
82 / 82 HP

Campaign & Party

Played by
Fae Fuerst
Tue 25th Oct 2022 08:40


by Xynya Seraphim

Carnivals were supposed to be places of fun, pockets of uniqueness, where strange and unusual things could be seen. Xynya's first experience with one was less than fun. It was a ride of terror that never seemed to end. She'd been trapped and forced to perform in her harpy form like the strange creature she was. Against her will every single day she sang until her throat bled. She was like a bird trapped in a cage, starved and whipped daily. If she refused, she'd be burned with a hot iron. Branded and beaten. The haunting melody was all a ploy to lull the onlookers into a stunned state, staring blankly for what felt like seconds to them, but lasted long enough to have all their precious jewels stolen, their pockets picked, and when they went on as if nothing happened, they'd only realize much later.... far too late, the carnival was long gone. A bad memory that couldn't be grasped. Festivals, carnivals, anything of the sort like that brought a familiar shiver of cold sweat down her spine, a spine covered with memories and scars.

Xynya's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Eyes
    24 Oct 2022 06:51:13
  2. Carnival
    25 Oct 2022 08:40:03

The major events and journals in Xynya's history, from the beginning to today.


Eyes. Eyes that look into the soul, something she struggles with feeling. The soul... Yet as much as she eats, she finds nothing changes. It stirs no emotions, but now it leaves a bitter taste of regret. Not for the bearer of said eyes, never about that. ...

06:51 pm - 24.10.2022


Carnivals were supposed to be places of fun, pockets of uniqueness, where strange and unusual things could be seen. Xynya's first experience with one was less than fun. It was a ride of terror that never seemed to end. She'd been trapped and forced to per...

08:40 pm - 25.10.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Xynya.

Played by
Fae Fuerst