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Chaotic Neutral Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 15
120 / 120 HP

Campaign & Party

Blue Fire Brotherhood

Johanna Skinner Shadowzilla Ol' Staffer
Run by kitoypoy
Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Skinner's history, from the beginning to today.

Prince of Demons: Death to Demogorgon the Final Session

04:37 pm - 10.01.2023

Prince of Demons: Death to Demogorgon the Final Session

04:37 pm - 10.01.2023

Prince of Demons: Battle of Wat Dagon

04:31 pm - 10.01.2023

Prince of Demons: Battle of Wat Dagon

04:31 pm - 10.01.2023

Prince of Demons: Death to Demogorgon the Final Session

03:03 pm - 10.01.2023

Prince of Demons: Death to Demogorgon the Final Session

03:03 pm - 10.01.2023

Prince of Demons: Session 1

11:15 pm - 04.07.2022

Prince of Demons: Session 1

12:04 am - 04.07.2022

Enemies of My Enemy: Session 2

11:29 pm - 03.07.2022

Enemies of My Enemy: Session 2

11:43 pm - 01.07.2022

Enemies of My Enemy: Session 1

12:13 pm - 28.06.2022

Enemies of My Enemy: Session 1

12:10 am - 24.06.2022

Wells of Darkness: Session 1

11:56 pm - 15.06.2022

Wells of Darkness: Session 1

05:39 pm - 12.06.2022

Demogorgon's Ire

02:59 am - 19.03.2022

Demogorgon's Ire

08:46 pm - 17.03.2022

Yule Breaktime in the Abyss

08:46 pm - 17.03.2022

Yule Breaktime in the Abyss

03:39 pm - 21.12.2021

Into the Maw: Session 4 - Finding Lavinia

03:38 pm - 21.12.2021

Into the Maw: Session 4 - Finding Lavinia

08:23 pm - 05.08.2021

Into the Maw: Session 3 - Divided Ire

10:34 pm - 02.08.2021

Into the Maw: Session 3 - Divided Ire

03:23 pm - 01.08.2021

Into the Maw: Session 2

02:07 am - 01.08.2021

Into the Maw: Session 2

10:57 pm - 18.07.2021

Into the Maw: Session 1

11:57 pm - 17.07.2021

Into the Maw: Session 1

01:05 pm - 17.07.2021

Serpents of Scuttlecove: Session 2

02:55 pm - 03.01.2021

Serpents of Scuttlecove: Session 2

10:52 pm - 31.12.2020

Serpents of Scuttlecove: Session 1

04:51 pm - 30.12.2020

Serpents of Scuttlecove: Session 1

12:27 am - 29.12.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Skinner.

Played by

Other Characters by BrandenL