Tyberon Almeny | World Anvil

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Tyberon Almeny

Neutral Good Water Genasi (Haunted One)
Warlock 3
24 / 24 HP

Water genasi warlock. Introverted with a thousand yard stare that can be intimidating. If he considers you a friend, he would do anything for you.

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Wed 24th Aug 2022 01:09

Downtime: Gambling

by Tyberon Almeny

So recently, my party and I went and killed the tax collectors and the burgomeister of Orasnou! What am I doing with these people? I'm afraid they are having a detrimental effect on me. Before I came out of Lake Zarovich, I had a simple and uneventful life. Since I came out of the lake, I have seen terrible things, and if recent events are an indication, it may get worse. My hope is that I do not lose who I am to the life of adventure!
That being said, there are so many new things to do and explore! I met a lot of new people recently and so many things to open my mind to! This week, I believe I am going to stash my money in my ring, keep only 20gp on me, and then see what this "gambling" is all about. There are so many games I have heard about and I think I want to try them all! I'm only keeping the 20gp so I am not tempted to gamble more; or if I am robbed, I don't lose anything more. 20gp, thats all!
Lady Luck, be a lady to me now!

Tyberon's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Tyberon Almeny's Beginnings
    11 Jul 2022 01:57:46
  2. Downtime: Work
    12 Jul 2022 01:09:54
  3. Sæla's Return
    28 Jul 2022 01:14:37
  4. Downtime: Carousing
    19 Aug 2022 02:50:09
  5. Downtime: Gambling
    24 Aug 2022 01:09:56

The major events and journals in Tyberon's history, from the beginning to today.

Tyberon Almeny's Beginnings

I, Tyberon Almeny, was born and raised near Vallaki. As a water genasi, I spent most of my time in Lake Zarovich next to the town. Vallaki's burgomaster, Varkas Vallakovich, hosts festivals often to hold back the evil of the land. As a descendant of water...

01:57 am - 11.07.2022

Downtime: Work

I am in need coin. The local tavern keeper says there is work in Orasnou for someone with my talents. I know practically nothing about the village except the name and its location on the map. Hopefully there will be mercenary work like a protection detail...

01:09 am - 12.07.2022

Sæla's Return

My precious raven Sæla returned to me today. She was very put out that I had disappeared on her like that. I tried to explain to her that it wasn't my fault, but with the amount of flying she had to do, she I'm still on her nip-list. Note to self, try to...

01:14 pm - 28.07.2022

Downtime: Carousing

While this town is in no way large, it is worth meeting the locals. I need to find if there is anyone in this town that can assist me with whomever this Scartia Krutz is. I don't really know what "taxes" are, but going by Rupta's reaction, they aren't go...

02:50 am - 19.08.2022

Downtime: Gambling

So recently, my party and I went and killed the tax collectors and the burgomeister of Orasnou! What am I doing with these people? I'm afraid they are having a detrimental effect on me. Before I came out of Lake Zarovich, I had a simple and uneventful lif...

01:09 am - 24.08.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tyberon.

Grandmaster greglbg
Gregory Gilliland

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Other Characters by Claymashun