Gregor Kalinowski | World Anvil

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Gregor Kalinowski

None Bugbear (Vet merc)
Fighter 8
104 / 104 HP

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Thu 7th Mar 2024 05:12

Story Time with Gregor: Big battles, and why Castille sucks

by Gregor Kalinowski

"I was a part of a group that went to Castille to bolster a nobles' forces. As I heard it from the top, we were there to take advantage of the Queen being distracted and make a move on another noble's forces. I admit this was during my young and dumb time when I had just started out. The pay was good, which I learned later was too good for what we were supposed to be doing, and not enough for what they really wanted us to do. Again just figuring things out, and hadn't done a lot of work. We were there to supplement the forces so he could leave some more trusted forces to guard other parts rather than having mercenaries cover them."
We spent a lot of time waiting and getting organized when we got there. There wasn't, to me, any organization going on, but someone seemed to know what was happening. The older guys got us started on getting equipment sorted and organized and in wagons. Then we did some marching and camping for a few days. Let me tell you this is where a decent cook helps, otherwise it is trail rations, and cold food. Our group wasn't that lucky. I also learned about being self-sufficient with the other parts, making a fire, your own plate and utensils, bedroll, Tent, water, things like that.
"We were not exactly subtle. There were about a 1000 of us including 2 other mercenary groups. We were marching other noble’s forces and got near the border of their territory attempting to use an unpatrolled section. We barely got across the border before we all had to stop and set up lines. There was a mad chaotic scramble to get setup. I was what is called a close quarters specialist, being well versed in swords. I was stationed behind the lines, ready to charge in and close up on any gaps."
"The musket and rifle divisions lined up front generally in 2 or 3 rows, and marched toward the enemy. They would volley fire and then reload. Gratefully there were no cannons on either side. Unfortunately the Noble was in charge and fancied himself leader. He was somewhat competent at least, just not brilliant. We were at the edge of a forest when the battle began."
"The lines started shooting back and forth at each other, the other side withdrew back into the woods. The Noble thinking we were winning commanded us to pursue them. I understood they would have an advantage shooting from the forest, where we would be out in the open. The forest would negate the range of rifles somewhat. It also makes for a chaotic battlefield. This is one of those times the terrain is an interfering army. After that it devolved into groups attacking other groups. Not a terrible melee but small groups of soldiers engaging other smaller groups. Our Commander was smarter, we linked up with 2 squads of riflemen and we would find an enemy group they would engage and we would flank around and hit them while they were distracted with our other group. We did this a few times, till someone did it back to us, but we waited and countered the charge. Bayonets, when used properly, are good for substitutes for spears. We were at it for what seemed like hours, when we noticed it was getting dark. We started to withdraw back to our entry point, and started to link up with more of the other squads. It was starting to get really dark, and night time battles in a forest are never a good idea. Someone sounded a horn so we could find the edge of the forest, and we all withdrew to our respective camps."
"After setting up some basic defenses and along with camp. I found out some interesting things. As it turns out the forest was home to some independent group or bandits, who don't like either lord and want to be left alone. Another group ran into the local wildlife, (nita knows). This is where I became aware of what displacer beasts are. Someone accidently encountered its kittens. It did not go well for the other side apparently. It had mauled a few guys protecting the kittens. The locals have managed to harass several of the groups indiscriminately. There were enough injured folks from that."
Generally there are a few types of big battles; Ones with attacking a prepared position, Army's in the "open" field, assaulting from the water, or where the terrain is an army itself. They generally all start with probing attacks, followed by a push at the enemy position with a chaotic melee breaking out, lots of confusion and lost orders. If Cavalry units are involved, then there are charges and counter charges, not to mention Cannons booming. Those suckers will wreck your day. I know you are going to say what about ambushes? Still armies in "Open" ground. "Open" being a little over-simplified. Terrain can for sure play a difference in how you fight a battle, and its outcome, but it is still an army in the "field". In the end if it comes down to hand to hand fighting, it will always be a chaotic melee, or a one sided slaughter. Half the time when you get thrown at an issue you have to charge at a bunch of riflemen who are shooting at you as fast as they can, and fixing bayonets.
"All of it came crashing down rather spectacularly when word got back to the Queen. The army got mobilized to put down "the fighting among squabbling nobles" and other political phrases.

Gregor's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Gregor's history, from the beginning to today.

Story Time With Gregor: Toughest thing you ever fought

Begin writing your story here......

03:10 pm - 03.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Gregor.

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