Sacyra Savari | World Anvil

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Sacyra Savari

Level 4 Tiefling Chaotic Neutral Rogue
30 / 30 HP

Her biggest dream in life is to be a hero and have songs sung about her., but has no idea how to do that. Wants to be able to walk around without hiding who/what she is.

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Mon 12th Oct 2020 06:18

Everyone Got To Pet Steve Except Me!

by Sacyra Savari

Dear Kosil
I am having another sleep over at Gorefang’s. Chief Bloodripper really likes his troll head and is still showing it off proudly. He will even chase the young ones around as the troll head tries to snap and bite them. They squeal and laugh. It is cute yet also terrifying. I wanted to tell you about everything that happened in a wormy cave we found. The cave had worms in it, it was not made of worms.
First thing’s first, Gerald and his lady friends decided they wanted to leave. I can’t blame them, they are not really hero material after all. They did swear that they owed us a debt, and you never know when debt repayment can come in handy, but really I just think it is the poor man’s way of getting out of proper payment for services rendered. Payment upfront, as Jabari always told you. My new friends Elora and Everan, being noble heroes decided to escort them out of the caves, and then head back to the keep. I guess Elora has some issues to work through, I hope to see them again one day.
Remember how we found that secret door, well there was a horrible stink coming from that door. Eye-watering stench. Everyone decided that since I am the bravest and most heroic of all of us that I should be pushed in first. Once I told them that the stink would not hurt them, they followed me in. Adokul could hear a skittering noise, but I told him that it was probably just the maid trying to clean up whatever the foul smell was. I pressed forward to see if she needed any help. I know mother always appreciated it when I helped her, and I figured this maid would be no different. There was a pool of blood and some drag marks. So the maid had been there but wasn’t quite finished, as I suspected. Soralie found some carvings on the wall that read “Beware the Evil Temple The Bugbears Bring them Victims”. What do you think it means? Do you think the Bugbears were the maids this entire time? That they were the ones cleaning up the bodies? Oh frack we killed the hired help! That probably won’t go unnoticed by the higher-ups.
Soralie is clearly good at seeing things in dark places because she also saw a giant worm thing on the ceiling eating some lost adventurer. I guess that is what happens once you kill the maids, the bodies don’t get cleaned up and the vermin move in. Gross. Soralie sent Steve the ugly dog handsome badger to get the others. However, I guess all he got by rubbing against them was pets. I DIDN’T GET TO PET HIM AND THEY DID! WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR!!!!! Luckily once Soralie and I started battling the worm Gorefang heard my cries for his aid and everyone came running. Gorefang did get injured but Finnie quickly healed him. It is so nice to see those two getting along and starting to bond. After we killed not just one but two worms, I noticed that I could not really find their pocket so I simply cut them open and searched their innards. Nothing. I guess worms don’t need money. It wasn’t fruitless though, as I climbed the wall and onto the ledge that they were hiding on and found another dead body, and it had some good loot. Even some spell ingredients that Sarkin can use. We searched a little further up the cave and found a large crevasse and a rope, but wanted to go see what was up the other tunnel first. When we got back to where we killed the two worms, two more worms were there eating their fallen brethren. Clearly, this is a waste not want not worm society. I respect that. We quickly dispatched them, but we were too tired to continue up the other tunnel so we went to Gorefang’s to rest and relax. I am still the only one who has any interest in their hospitality and accept the stew. I am a guest here, and I am just being polite. Just eat around the chunks you don’t like, not that big of a deal. Right?
Heroic as always,
Sweet Sacyra

Sacyra's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Every Hero Starts Somewhere, Why Not Here?
    11 Aug 2019 09:37:44
  2. Why Is This Road Dangerous? Seriously.
    16 Aug 2019 05:34:46
  3. The Road Is Dangerous. I Get It Now.
    16 Aug 2019 05:51:38
  4. Obituary - Gary The Ogre
    25 Aug 2019 08:41:42
  5. Bugs are Gross
    25 Aug 2019 05:58:40
  6. From Grief to Gambling
    26 Aug 2019 06:14:08
  7. Magnificent Steed
    20 Oct 2019 12:23:07
  8. I am a Badass but Everyone Hates Me Now
    07 Dec 2019 09:16:30
  9. Friends Again!
    15 Dec 2019 03:29:28
  10. What I Lack in Book Smarts, I also Lack in Street Smarts
    23 Feb 2020 06:37:58
  11. Visiting my Orc Friend
    07 Jun 2020 11:08:10
  12. I Think We Have A Maid Now
    24 Jul 2020 06:19:46
  13. Gifts, Gifts, Gifts
    09 Aug 2020 11:40:03
  14. Why Do They Always Run?
    23 Aug 2020 10:55:36
  15. So Many Bugbears
    07 Sep 2020 06:00:56
  16. Daycare Desecration
    20 Sep 2020 11:39:20
  17. Everyone Got To Pet Steve Except Me!
    12 Oct 2020 06:18:18

The major events and journals in Sacyra's history, from the beginning to today.

Everyone Got To Pet Steve Except Me!

Dear Kosil I am having another sleep over at Gorefang’s. Chief Bloodripper really likes his troll head and is still showing it off proudly. He will even chase the young ones around as the troll head tries to snap and bite them. They squeal and laugh....

06:18 pm - 12.10.2020

Session 1 - Character building and introduction

01:50 am - 04.10.2020

Session 1 - Character building and introduction

01:49 am - 04.10.2020

Session 15 - The Secret Passage

11:41 pm - 03.10.2020

Session 15 - The Secret Passage

08:06 pm - 03.10.2020

Me and my brother

12:24 am - 21.09.2020


12:22 am - 21.09.2020

Steve the ugly dog/handsome badger

12:20 am - 21.09.2020

Baby Bear Daycare

12:17 am - 21.09.2020

Daycare Desecration

Dear Kosil I am still in the bugbear caves, but it seems all of them are dead or gone. I am writing while we rest a bit before exploring the secret passage we have discovered. Oh, Koko, so much has happened in just a short time since the last letter I ...

11:39 pm - 20.09.2020

Cleaning out the Bugbears - Part 2

03:02 am - 20.09.2020

Cleaning out the Bugbears - Part 2

10:20 pm - 19.09.2020

So Many Bugbears

Dear Kosil I am writing to you from the middle of a cave infested with bugbears. Just when we think we probably got them all more come. Bugbears must breed like rabbits, I don’t know where they are all coming from. Don’t worry, it is not like I am ...

06:00 pm - 07.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

02:56 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

01:24 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

01:14 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

12:41 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

12:31 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

12:27 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

11:01 pm - 04.09.2020

Why Do They Always Run?

Dear Kosil I hope the weather at home is as nice as the weather here. It is sunny, warm, with just a small breeze that carries a hint of pine on it. Lovely. It really is the best weather to be heroic don’t you think? Well, if you recall in my last le...

10:55 pm - 23.08.2020

Tracking the Unknown

01:54 am - 22.08.2020

Tracking the Unknown

10:58 pm - 21.08.2020

Gifts, Gifts Gifts

Dear Kosil I have so much to tell you. A lot has happened in a very short period of time. Do you remember the drunk but not drunk paladin with questionable morals that I mentioned previously? Yeah? He’s dead. Dropped stone cold dead in the middle of ...

11:39 pm - 09.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business 2

04:39 am - 09.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business 2

11:06 pm - 08.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business

11:04 pm - 08.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business

10:54 pm - 08.08.2020

Setup and test

12:51 am - 30.07.2020

Setup and test

12:16 am - 30.07.2020

Session 2 - A new member joins

12:08 am - 30.07.2020

Session 2 - A new member joins

11:53 pm - 29.07.2020

I Think We Have A Maid Now

Dear Kosil You will be very pleased to hear that my name is becoming known far and wide. There was a man who is being followed around by a bunch of mutes who said he has heard of me and my fellow heroes. He heard all about our heroic deeds. He hasn’t...

05:28 pm - 24.07.2020

Back at the Keep

07:25 am - 19.07.2020

Back at the Keep

10:20 pm - 18.07.2020

Against the Bugbears

01:15 am - 21.06.2020

Against the Bugbears

08:36 pm - 20.06.2020

Close up of my sign.

08:10 pm - 20.06.2020

I hung a sign on my door so everyone will know where to find a hero if they need one.

04:48 am - 20.06.2020

Session 3

06:08 am - 12.06.2020

Visiting my Orc Friend

Dear Kosil Today was the day we went to go visit my good friend Gorefang. He is the orc whos life I saved back in that goblin prison. Yeah, he was the one that ran away, but I knew we could clear things up with some tea and cakes. That is what fancy pe...

11:08 pm - 07.06.2020

Session 3

06:41 pm - 06.06.2020

What I Lack in Book Smarts, I also Lack in Street Smarts

Dear Kosil I hope my letters are finding you well and that they don’t have to be delivered to you in jail again. I just wanted to tell you about my most recent heroic adventure. After spending a few days soaking up the glory of our last heroic advent...

06:37 pm - 23.02.2020

Friends Again!

Dear Kosil I think I managed to smooth things over with Miayra, isn’t that great? Ok, let me tell you how I did it. So those two merchants we saved back in the caves are leaving town. Can’t say I am really surprised, the wilderness is a tough pl...

03:29 am - 15.12.2019

I am a Badass but Everyone Hates Me Now

Dear Kosil I know it has been a while since I wrote to you. Something terrible has happened. During our last heroic outing, of which I was particularly heroicly badass, my horns were uncovered, and I think Miayra hates me now. Don’t say you knew thi...

09:16 pm - 07.12.2019

Magnificent Steed

Dear Kosil No great adventure to tell you about this time, but I thought I would tell you about my nice day in town. Yes, I am still wearing the scarf, you don’t have to mama hen me. Someone did ask about my skin, but I told them everyone from Easter...

12:23 am - 20.10.2019


04:05 am - 27.08.2019

From Grief to Gamblong

Dear Kosil I am sure you are curious about what happened after we finished clearing out that Kobold cave. Fear not, for I will tell you. Using the cover of darkness we moved from the mouth of the Kobold cave to the cover of the trees. Moving to another...

06:13 pm - 26.08.2019

Dutch Rudder Butter - Now in limited supply

03:57 am - 26.08.2019

Never will they be separated again. You were just trying to live your best lives and we murdered you. RIP Frank and Gary.

08:42 pm - 25.08.2019

Bugs are Gross

Dear Kosil Greetings from a heroic adventurer (that’s me). I hope things are well at home, say hi to the gang for me. I hope you are filling them in on all my fantastical quests. I am writing to you while I keep watch over the rest of the party as th...

05:58 pm - 25.08.2019

Obituary - Gary The Ogre

Gary the Ogre was best known as one half of the Dutch Rudder Butter Company that he owned with his partner Frank the Ogre. They were often seen together, selling butter at their stand at the local farmer’s market. They had done quite well for themselves...

08:38 am - 25.08.2019

RIP Frank and Gary. You are forever together now.

08:25 am - 25.08.2019

The Road Is Dangerous. I Get It Now.

Dear Kosil Remember how I was wondering why the road was called dangerous. I think I may have just discovered why. I danced with death (again), an intricate tango that involved bonfires, rodent matriarchs, cuddle puddles, rapey bandits, (fortunately no...

03:44 am - 12.08.2019

Why Is This Road Dangerous? Seriously.

Dear Kosil A hero never rests, so let me tell you about my next adventure. It all started when we saw this blind drunk guy at breakfast. He was neither blind nor drunk. I am as surprised as you are. He is a paladin, yep another one. Surrounded by them...

11:45 pm - 11.08.2019

Every Hero Starts Somewhere, Why Not Here?

Dear Kosil, Greetings from the Keep. That’s right, I made it to the Borderlands, so how does that twist your tail? I even met a couple of people to have adventures with. They are going to help me become a hero. The next time you see me I will proba...

09:26 pm - 11.08.2019

I died twice, how many times does one have to do that before you get in song?

04:38 pm - 11.08.2019

Reached Level 2!

Feeling more heroic than ever.

04:36 pm - 11.08.2019

Killed a dozen bad guys!

First step to hero status

07:11 am - 05.08.2019

I had to eat my horse

06:56 am - 05.08.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sacyra.

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Other Characters by LadyKatka