Testerson | World Anvil

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Level 1 Human CG Fighter
/ 13 HP

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Testerson's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 1 - Character building and introduction

01:50 am - 04.10.2020

Session 1 - Character building and introduction

01:49 am - 04.10.2020

Session 15 - The Secret Passage

11:41 pm - 03.10.2020

Session 15 - The Secret Passage

08:06 pm - 03.10.2020

Cleaning out the Bugbears - Part 2

03:02 am - 20.09.2020

Cleaning out the Bugbears - Part 2

10:20 pm - 19.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

02:56 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

01:24 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

01:14 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

12:41 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

12:31 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

12:27 am - 05.09.2020

Cleaning out the bugbears

11:01 pm - 04.09.2020

Tracking the Unknown

01:54 am - 22.08.2020

Tracking the Unknown

10:58 pm - 21.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business 2

04:39 am - 09.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business 2

11:06 pm - 08.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business

11:04 pm - 08.08.2020

The Bugbears Mean Business

10:54 pm - 08.08.2020

Setup and test

12:51 am - 30.07.2020

Setup and test

12:16 am - 30.07.2020

Session 2 - A new member joins

12:08 am - 30.07.2020

Session 2 - A new member joins

11:53 pm - 29.07.2020

Back at the Keep

07:25 am - 19.07.2020

Back at the Keep

10:20 pm - 18.07.2020

Against the Bugbears

01:15 am - 21.06.2020

Against the Bugbears

08:36 pm - 20.06.2020

Session 3

06:08 am - 12.06.2020

Session 3

06:41 pm - 06.06.2020

Test session 29 August

01:31 am - 30.08.2019

Test session 29 August

12:55 am - 30.08.2019

Test session 29 August

12:55 am - 30.08.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Testerson.

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