Kelixga The Burnt | World Anvil

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Kelixga The Burnt
The Incedium

Level 14 Dragonborn Chaotic Evil Druid
(Criminal - Hired Killer)
128 / 126 HP

Kelixga is a Dragonborn, named after Kelix the Red, a notorious dragon. Kelixga has been a name growing in infamy around Elanar over the past 15 years as a true monster. Not many living men have seen his face.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Kelixga's history, from the beginning to today.

LD-Session 03:The Finial Act

02:57 am - 02.02.2021

LD-Session 03:The Finial Act

01:23 am - 17.11.2019

Session 1: The Bandits of Blackwater

08:30 pm - 30.10.2019

Kelixga screams, "non opus est sine aqua adolebitque irrumator praetor et mater est!"

01:12 am - 27.10.2019

Session 1: The Bandits of Blackwater

11:55 pm - 26.10.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kelixga.

Played by

Other Characters by OhegYeroc