Pheylynn Thrink | World Anvil

Pheylynn Thrink

Emerald eyes framed by dark brown hair lightened by endless days in the sun, tan skin. Pheylynn seeks balance within and outside of herself. Her current life goal is to study the beasts of Agrimoor and write a book about them.

Played by

Researcher. Crafter. Tea Dragon.   You can find me on 4thewords as Lnphysics

Thu 5th May 2022 04:11

Session 12

by Pheylynn Thrink

  • Breastplate: dragon face and scales

  • Longsword: like a scimitar

  • Amulet: skull with a crescent moon (points facing upwards) as part of the skull

  • 3 potion bottles that will need to be identified

  • Aiz detects magic. It's surrounding us completely. Walls & floors are the most intense. No runes detected.
    Hands look like stones.

    Aiz treats wounds on Pheylynn.

    As we go to leave, Pheylynn investigates Room 4. In the crates, there are torture and embalming equipment. One of the barrels is full of water, the other is full of oil. There's also a crate of black robes with symbols similar to the flags in the main chamber. (Pheylynn grabs 5 Black Hand Robes.)
    Solana recognizes that they are cult robes.
    There might be a lead in the Scarwood Vale for the Black Hand.

    We look for alternate ways into the Dungeon. The East Door leads to nowhere. Upon opening it, it looks like the door has been bricked shut.
    Aiz detects magic. She sees a glyph, magic on Druid, the viles she picked up, and the brick wall. She tries to identify magic on the brick wall.
    A light blue almost turquoise glow emits from the East door.

    Druid returned to the body. He picked up the amulet. As soon as it was lifted, it felt heavier.
    The amulet is exploding with magic and recharges every night at midnight.

    Meadowlark pushes through the brick wall. The hallway is dimly lit with glowing mushrooms. She doesn't see the wall.
    Druid pushes her through. Aiz follows the others through.
    Pheylynn helps bring the bodies but goes back and closes the door.

    The hallway is 5' wide and 10' tall. It winds and twists down.
    Meadowlark tries to identify mushrooms. They're not magical but can be used in alchemical concoctions. She gathers 10 mushrooms (0.1 Bulk).
    Aiz scouts ahead after 100'. On the air, Aiz smells a burning torch. The sounds are echoing. A blue glow gets brighter, as if its coming towards her. She's about 40' ahead.
    The blue light turns green, goes forward 15', then curves.
    In the room ahead, there's an altar, flag with a symbol of the Black Hand. Torches lit with green.
    There's a man kneeling on a symbol in front of the altar. He moves his hands and the light moves. A massive skull appears in front of him.
    "What is it, Ryzon?"
    "The Sanctuary is fallen, my lord."
    "Get to the others. Find who is responsible and bring them to me. We cannot afford any more delays."
    The man wipes the air around him. The light fades and he is gone.
    Meadowlark goes up to Aiz.
    Druid marches up without trying to be stealthy.
    Meadowlark tells us that no one is here and there's no way out.
    Pheylynn goes to make notes but her typical journals are gone. They've been replaced with 5 empty journals. She traces the sigil and recognizes it from Malthazar's book.
    "For those of you who are my fans, enter here" with a slightly different sigil.
    Aiz recognizes that the torches have alchemical materials that affect the coloration.
    Druid flips the altar it blows out the torches.

    We reenter the church and hear someone trying desperately to get inside. It's D'Vallen! He says that he saw Terjan die on the edge of town about 15-20 minutes ago. He brings us to the ashes.
    "There's a cow that needs to be saved." ? (I didn't write the context or who says it.)

    It took 30 minutes to return the lost bodies. The families were not able to offer much. We're given some food, flowers, & a block toy.
    Pheylynn takes a few of the flowers and dedicates one of her new books to flower pressings.

  • D'Vallen identifies the symbol as a teleportation symbol.

  • D'Vallen says the black hand symbol looks familiar. A mage with a long disheveled beard. Gaunt, old, symbol on a necklace.

  • Aiz shows D'Vallen a drawing of the pendant. He says the pendant's symbol looks old, seems like something religious.

  • Solana says the name is tied to death, an old world god. Veilaren (the Veil) - Will require library trips.

  • Aiz and Pheylynn visit Terjan's house (Similar to Solana's). There's some writing stuff on the desk but nothing is off. The only thing that came up is one entry about Ryzon.
    He lived meagerly.

    Lawenda has been busy telling stories to everyone in the bar about himself.
    Pheylynn's healed up between Aiz and a full night's rest.

    The next morning, Druid and Aiz go to the apothecary.
    A: This is my friend, Beastie.
    Upon being asked for more healing potions, she tells Druid that she "gave our friend the last of my batches."
    Fes comes back with a wand. It can cast healing magic. It will allow multiple uses. 2 charges per day of the Heal spell. (1d8)

    Pheylynn's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Session 1 Notes
      20 Jan 2022 12:34:34
    2. Session 2 Notes
      23rd of Finsumar
    3. Session 3 Notes
      24th of Finsumar
    4. Session 4 Notes
      24th & 25th of Finsumar
    5. Session 5
      26th of Finsumar
    6. Session 6
      26th of Finsumar
    7. Session 7
      27th of Finsumar
    8. Session 8
      28th of Finsumar
    9. Session 9
      24 Apr 2022 08:05:27
    10. Session 10
      24 Apr 2022 08:53:07
    11. Session 11
      1st of Goll
    12. Session 12
      05 May 2022 04:11:30

    The major events and journals in Pheylynn's history, from the beginning to today.

    Session 1 Notes

    Overview of our weeks-long journey - 5 wagons - traveling from Agrimoor to Kasbin along the Volthul Path - Quest: meet D'vallen at the Azure Star in Muchvalt (we each have a letter from D'vallen with this information) - Aiz, Druid, and Pheylynn are tr...

    12:34 am - 20.01.2022

    Session 2 Notes

    [b]Info from last time[/b] Riders all looked similar, either they were a mini militia or they were soldiers. Wyverns have venom glands in their tails. [hr] Blue Robed man & 2 passengers (teenaged), boy and girl. boy did not survive. We were not ...

    10:47 am - 30.01.2022

    Session 3 Notes

    We went over Bulk Rules. Currently, Pheylynn sits at 7B2L with a max of 7B. So, she's ok at the moment. We went over how to heal. (I messed up a bit here. Since I'm trained in Medicine, I can Treat Wounds for 10 minutes per person. They are immu...

    11:33 am - 30.01.2022

    Session 4 Notes

    Some Bookkeeping: looted armor needs to be resized. armor from a dungeon has a % chance it'll fit. Pheylynn's going to keep track of the cart's bulk. Currently (start of the session) contains: druid's kegs - ?, studded leather armor - 1B, leather armo...

    11:44 pm - 16.02.2022

    Session 5

    Recap: We entered Chasir, met Malthazar (who spoke with our group), and decided to buy us a round of drinks at the Azure Star. [hr] D'Vallen and Druid went to a different tavern and seated at a table to themselves. D'Vallen is both sullen (over Malthaza...

    04:16 am - 17.02.2022

    Session 6

    We open the session with Aiz in a dark candlelit chamber. There are various members with obscured faces wearing robes (all black). "Welcome, Recruit. We've been expecting you. Please, come have a seat." One person - scar - list of names/locations...

    04:21 am - 24.03.2022

    Session 7

    We're heading north on the trail. A good distance from Chasir (Mel will give us more information on this with an updated map). It's approaching nightfall. There's a mosquito or two in the air. The cook found some meat and made a beef stew. Added so...

    05:10 am - 24.03.2022

    Session 8

    The next month is: Goll. We're 2 days away. In a day's travel, we should make it to the next town by tonight.[hr] Dewy, foggy morning with a fresh grass smell. Early in the morning, Lawenda trimmed his hair and beard. He has a more sophisticated acc...

    04:53 am - 31.03.2022

    Session 9

    Pheylynn Slept. Check Meadowlark's notes. Some highlights: Lawenda has a succubus wife. Priest did not like that. Pheylynn scouted ahead. We lodged in Solana's home. Pheylynn reads book & notes, eventually passing out. The church windows are...

    08:05 pm - 24.04.2022

    Session 10

    We're in a nameless Village. Major NPCs: Solana and Terjan. Pheylynn wakes up to Solana putting fire in Druid's face. Solana has seen Wyverns going into the Scarwood Vale further East. After everyone chats fot a minute, Aiz heads off. Druid d...

    08:53 pm - 24.04.2022

    Session 11

    Session 11 We're all in the basement of the church. Once we get down, we bring the rope with us because Meadowlark has a grappling hook. (There may be another way up, but we'll determine that later.) The space is shaped like a plus sign. Floor is...

    07:05 pm - 26.04.2022

    Session 12

    - Breastplate: dragon face and scales - Longsword: like a scimitar - Amulet: skull with a crescent moon (points facing upwards) as part of the skull - 3 potion bottles that will need to be identified [hr] Aiz detects magic. It's surrounding us compl...

    02:47 am - 05.05.2022

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Pheylynn.

    Played by

    Researcher. Crafter. Tea Dragon.   You can find me on 4thewords as Lnphysics

    Other Characters by Lnphysics