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Yaxora Tayker

Level 25 Dragonborn Lawful Good Blood Hunter / Paladin / Fighter
(Bounty Hunter)
197 / 328 HP

Ex-military who is now working as a bounty hunter and adventurer.

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The major events and journals in Yaxora's history, from the beginning to today.

Defeated The Plague King!

Finally killed Vergunaamuranth and Condrenth "The Plague King" and ended the purple night in the Stonefields.

05:43 pm - 07.01.2024

Killed Axindal

Failed to stop the ressurrection of the demon prince Axindal and then we killed him.

05:08 pm - 12.10.2023

They did not give me building plans for whatever hell I am stuck in!

08:50 pm - 13.10.2022

Became a Sharthir

Went to Fylhalon, met the venthirs and took the "Rebirth Serum" which gave me mutant powers similar to my ancestor, Frograx Tayker.

05:33 pm - 13.09.2022

Fist my ass

04:55 pm - 22.08.2022

Won the "Trial of Storms"

Fought for Kord and defeated the champion of Talos in the "Trial of Storms".

11:36 pm - 20.08.2022

Got reincarnated as a child of Graz'zt (graz'zir)

Got reincarnated as a child of Graz'zt (graz'zir) after being immolated by Gnoz Flamemane.

07:44 pm - 29.07.2022

Saved the world (again)

Stopped the demon prince Azokar from being unleashed on the world by chopping Illidan's magical prosthetic arm in half.

10:59 pm - 12.07.2022

Consumed two potions at a time and became hella strong permanently!

10:47 am - 07.01.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Yaxora.

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