The elders told us couriers to flee. Find help. Warn the surface tribe. Flee from the Goddess' anger. But that wasn't who made the Great Quakes. The Goddesses of Hylia didn't force open burning portals of gas and fire, they didn't cave in the centuries of carefully wrought tunnels.
He did.
- Gender
- Male
- Eyes
- Light blue
- Height
- 6' 6"
- Weight
- At least 750 lbs
Physical Description
Mavar is a quiet deep sea Zora. He exhibits deep sea gigantism to a small degree. Despite his size, he is built for speed and agility. His glowing tattoos serve to identify him and let him see potential threats.
Identifying Characteristics
Bioluminescent tattoos
Personal history
I am Mavar. My clan dove for treasures that fell into the abyss. We were always pretty separated from other Zora factions and towns, but of course we needed trade allies. At least five generations of Zora mapped the abyss near us. Over time we began to see changes in our bodies. We thought at first it was the coastal ones that had changed. But now that I live above the ocean floor, I see that is untrue.
When I lived with my tribe, I was a fine courier. I could excavate, of course. But I excelled in swimming through the smaller tunnels and memorizing shortcuts. So I was allowed to ferry even some of the more valuable jewels and weapons to the surface tribe.
On the Day of Great Fire, there was nothing but chaos. The scouts gave us enough warning that no one was near the volcano when it burst. But no one could have forseen the waves of creatures and horrors it spewed along with lava. Heedless of the dangers of surfacing too quickly, we all fled.
Between the bends, the monsters and the cave-ins, I lost everything. Every fin I grabbed, I held on for dear life. But none joined me. Well, none of their bodies did. I only escaped the agitated predators by being too small for a first meal. And I didn't stick around long enough to become the next course.
I've been mostly on land or in the rivers ever since the Great Quakes. At first I thought I was crazy, hearing the voices of my parents, my mentors. Now I know better. Their souls came with me. They give me the strength I need to keep going. Nothing will keep me down. It can't.
The other couriers and scouts could have made it, I'm sure. But I guess they didn't try hard enough. In any case, I survived for a reason. And I will not rely on luck and timing next time a calamity rolls through. My skill and knowledge will see me through.
Personality Quirks
Fiddles with a cracked pocketwatch. It never shows the right time, but it refuses to stop.