Session 054: Jekardt & the Tarrasques. Mytros lends aid. Part 2 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 054: Jekardt & the Tarrasques. Mytros lends aid. Part 2 Report

General Summary

Taking another minutes the 6 Tarrasques were defeated.
They were killed by:

  • Apollo
  • Neptune
  • Skie
  • Euadne's Simulacrum
  • Theron
  • Khellendros Skie

Jekkar, Hulgnir, & Theron completed their Domain feats, earning them their first domain spells & 30 on a stat.

Jekkar's Sword went up to +3.
Theron's Bow of Artemis became The Bow of Theron +4.

The tarrasques were harvested, the new pantheon looked to the future after a long rest.   Waking in the afternoon.

Rewards Granted

  • 180 Rations (1 Day)
  • 36 Small Tarrasque Tooth (One tooth can be used as the tip on an arrow or a crossbow bolt. Ranged attacks that use ammunition made from these teeth deal an additional 5 (1d10) damage. After the ammunition has been fired, it loses this property.)
  • 30 Tarrasque Bone Can be crafted into a maul (100 gp, 7 days) or into a greatclub (90 gp, 7 days). This weapon deals double damage to objects and structures.)
  • 32 Tarrasque Brain Chunk (When consumed, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, paralyzed, and poisoned for one hour.)
  • 10 Tarrasque Carapace - One carapace can be crafted into a shield (4000 gp, 60 days), and two carapaces can be crafted into a set of plate armor (5000 gp, 65 days) or a set of half-plate armor (4500 gp, 63 days).
  • Requires attunement. While wearing this piece of armor, you have a +1 bonus to your armor class. In addition, you can use your reaction to reflect spells away from you. If you are targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, you are unaffected by the spell. On a 6, you are unaffected, and the effect of the spell is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from you, turning the caster into the target.)
  • 10 Tarrasque Eye - When consumed, you gain blindsight out to a range of 120 feet for one hour.
  • 10 Tarrasque Fang -
  • 3 Tarrasque Hide - Can be crafted into a set of light armor (3000 gp, 75 days). Requires attunement. While wearing the armor, you are resistant to fire and poison damage. Six sets of armor can be crafted from this hide.
  • 48 Vial of Tarrasque Blood - When consumed, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. For an hour.
  • 24 Vial of Tarrasque Stomach Acid - As an action, you can throw this vial up to 30 feet away where it will shatter in a mist of acid. Each creature within 15 feet of where the vial landed must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 56 (16d6) acid damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one.


    You transcend the limitations of life itself, granting you the following benefits.
    • If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may use your reaction to spend one or more of your Hit Dice to recover hit points as though you had instantly finished a short rest. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
    • You no longer suffer from the effects of aging & cannot be magically aged by non-Deific means.
    • Your soul cannot be destroyed by any non deific means.


    You harness the power of good & evil, which allows you to smite enemies with raw holy or unholy power. You gain the following benefits.
    • When you deal radiant damage, you may instead do righteous damage, & when you deal necrotic damage you may instead do vile damage.
    • Your alignment cannot be changed unless you allow it, & you cannot be compelled by non-Deific sources to allow your alignment to be changed.
    • You are aware of the presence of any deity that occupies the same plane as you. You know the deities’ names, alignment, & divine rank.


    Your skill with weapons of war cannot be rivaled, allowing you to wield them with peerless ability. When you select this feat, choose three different weapon properties from the following table. You gain the corresponding benefits according to which weapon properties you select.
    In addition, you become proficient with any weapon you wield after 10 minutes of practice with that eapon & you cannot be disarmed by non-Epic means.

    Weapon Property Benefits
    Finesse: While you wield a melee weapon, it has the Finesse property.
      Heavy: When you score a critical hit on a weapon attack made with a heavy weapon, you can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit.
      Light: Once per turn, when you miss on a weapon attack made with a light weapon, you can instead hit & deal the minimum possible damage on that attack’s damage dice.
      Reach: When you make a successful attack with a weapon with the Reach property, you may pull the target 5 feet closer to you or push it 5 feet away from you.
      Thrown: When you make a weapon attack with a weapon with the Thrown property, if you are within 30 feet of your target you may choose to have that weapon return to your hand immediately after the attack.



    Your senses are always acute & accurate, granting you the following benefits.
    • You have Epic advantage on saving throws against traps, & traps have Epic disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
    • You cannot be surprised & when initiative is rolled, you may immediately move up to your speed.
    • If a creature is hidden within 120 feet of you, you sense its presence, but not its exact location.

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Completed Domain Feats:

      The four cities have been defended.


    Things still left to do:

    • Find Lutheria
    • Find Pythor, Vallus
    • Find Sydon
    • Get revenge on the insane Death King that attacked Jekkar
    • Set up divine realms
    • Complete other divine challenges
      Divine challenges can be bypassed at a cost a divine rank can be transferred.
    1. John has asked Jekkar to send him to the Fury prison in the Nether sea so he can take care of his business.
    2. Oren has been considering robbing Volkan of some of his armaments.
    3. Euadne & Apollo both want to research spells for their divinity.
    4. Corrina could be communication or hearth.
    5. Anora could be defending one's home, or even wifely duties.
    6. Ollidak wants to turn the Vampire hunters to worship him. (Perhaps the Underwater death gods cults as well.)
    7. Kyrah wants to be a hero & help defeat Lutheria.
    8. Neptune wants to rule a part of the Plane of Water.
    9. Anora's Dragons want to be ruling parts of the inner planes (Earth, Air, Fire, & Shadow)
    10. Jor wants to be ruling a part of the Astral plane.
    11. Pyra (CON Ocean) - Seeks to have the Trident he won when he defeated the Kraken merged with his Holy Avenger Trident by Volkan.
    12. Revive Kentimane. 

    Odyssey of the Dragonlords

    Theron Phobas

    Level 30 Human Neutral Good Ranger/Rogue
    216 / 779 HP
    Report Date
    05 Jun 2021
    Primary Location

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