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The Nightbound

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of The Chromatic Order: Unrehta
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A plague has stricken the land during a time of great upheaval. This disease strikes quick and can decimate entire towns with ease. Despite all this, a grand war of decades continues on with seemingly no end in sight. Some of the fiercest fighting the land of Carthaos has ever known takes place frequently. Many lives have been lost in the great Hegemon War. Now with the plague spreading, it has left many to ask, "for what purpose?". Despite all this, the fighting continues. The soldiers have long forgotten their reason for fighting, yet they remember keenly the martial arts. Even with a plague as deadly as this, a young man is just as likely to be struck down by musket as disease. It would seem a dark time such as this could not go on forever. Despite all this, there is no end in sight...

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