Session 22: Back in the Sadd... er, Tunnels Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 22: Back in the Sadd... er, Tunnels Report

General Summary

Oolor 23rd (Cont): The group finished recovering from the fight in the tunnels and deactivates the remaining heel-spike traps. They go back upstairs, where Jarvis reminds the party that they were planning to take the door. Unable to remove it cleanly, Jarvis asks Sven to smash the hinges, breaking them and causing the massive door to crash down. They heft the 400lb mass of wood and iron down the street and deposit it at a guard tower on the western side of the central bridge. They return to CPT D'Or's home to try to rest, but meet a scene of death and blood. Two of the city guard, stationed to protect the house, lay dead on the threshold, the door smashed open and the house obviously hastily searched. There is no sign of the Captain or Borsino (the informant/witness). As the group finished searching the house and came back out they an arc of leveled crossbows from the watch group responding to the incident. Harviticus recognizes the night watch-commander, LT Balderan. The LT was thought to have engaged in some light corruption (looking the other way on some minor crimes and non-violent offenses). The LT explained to the group that the captain and Borsino were safe at the City Building, holing up in the guard headquarters. He asked them to come with him back to meet with the captain and have a safe space to stay the night. While walking back the LT explains that many on the watch, even those deep in the pockets of the Yellow Roses, are deeply angry over the direct attack on the captain. She is well liked by here people, and any support or allies they had in the guard are likely now gone. He goes on to explain that the move was likely one of desperation, that the guild felt it was on the ropes and had no choice, and likely they would be fleeing the city or going into hiding now that their plan had failed. They get back to the guard HQ and start talking with the captain, who reiterates much of what the LT said and offers the group a space in a bunk room they keep for those on long shifts to catch naps. During this time there arise shouts of "FIRE!" outside, with a guard running in to announce that the jewelers shop, the one owned by O'Dell Oakson, is burning. Most of the group is too injured to risk going out, but Sven and Flinair go to check it out. By the time they get there the bucket brigade is doing its work. The solid, wetted outer walls survive mostly intact, but the interior of the shop is mostly burnt out. While watching the fire die Sven is approached from behind. He finds a young halfling woman there, outfitted for the road and with a short bow slung over her back. She explains that she has been following the group for more than a span, going all over the foothills and always just a bit behind them. She has finally caught up to them, and asks that she be allowed to follow along with them and learn from them, Sven in particular. Sven warns her that she will see death and destruction on this road, and she says she is ready, and that anything on the road is better than the same wagons of her clan caravan year-in-year-out. Sven accepts her as a student. After the ashes cool enough to go in and search, the trio does so. Sven moves aside the scraps and ash of a glass counter, sifting through the debris, and notices something odd. There is no scorched or melted metal, no precious gems, nothing at all to indicate that the shop had any jewelry or materials in it at all. They find a cellar door, and go down to a large, well cut out basement. Sven notices that the boards on the north facing wall are bulging out, as if the earth behind them has shifted. There are also a pair of double doors leading south. Sven surmises that the bulge is the collapsed tunnel from the guild safe house, believing them connected. They decide to leave the doors alone and wait until the party is ready to explore more.

Character(s) interacted with

Lt. Balderan: Told of the city guard's love of the captain, and anger over the Yellow Roses attacking her.

Created Content

New Rule: Converting poppies to a medicinal use requires advanced mastery in botany and average mastery in first aid.

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