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The Lions Last Stand

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Kelkanor
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Stormwind is a nation founded on war, xenophobia, and patriotism. This toxic culture was birthed by the first king of Stormwind; Darnath Anderhiem who is revered to point of near deification to this day. Darnath rallied humanity in the area and fought back the Orcs kicking them out of their homeland to claim it for the humans. The Orcs were forced to the boarders of Stormwind where they have entrenched themselves in a valley, there now fortress capital Grommashar.   Over the centuries many kings and queens have attempted to breach the defences of Grommashar but every attempt helmed by Stormwinds monarch has ended with that monarch dead. The walls of Grommashar are cursed no one will survive a direct assault on them. Orc’s, Hobgoblins, Goblins, Giants, and much more are garrisoned within Grommashar.   It is important to note that the Orc’s have attempted to reclaim their homelands, in the year 277 p.d. The Orc’s were led by the legendary and very feared Gromm’kar the Red, who managed to sack the city of Stormwind and fracture the nation but after his initial success his forces started in fighting and ignoring his authority, with this lack of organisation the knights of Stormwind Rallied behind the three legendary Knights and retook their homeland.   The events that have led to this current conflict have deeper roots then the last few years. Stormwind is under its 2nd dynasty; the Wrynn’s. The Wrynn’s have not had great success with expanding Stormwinds Boarders, and thus not been very popular with the nobility. The previous king Llayne III did undertake an expansion event in 420 p.d. (SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY), Llayne didn’t lead his troops and instead allowed his generals more freedom and control then any previous King, after some initial success Llayne was forced to take to the field or risk rumours and back room chatter take his crown. Llayne died assaulting the walls of Grommashar. The Current King Varian has been forced to undertake this war or risk the same.   Varian was Kidnapped just over a decade ago and fought his way back to his throne, he is a great warrior, but the nobility is still divided on their support. Varian has been preparing for war with Auora, a naval power hundreds of miles to the east, the halfway point between Kelkanor and Phobos. Varian built a large navy with over a thousand ships; however, the Provincial Lord of the forestland one Thomas Remington jumped the gun and cost Varian the war. Thomas assaulted Auora first Kelkanor colony 80 miles south of Stormwind, the colony was barely 80 people mainly traders, but Thomas assaulted the colony with a force of 300. Varian was furious but, in an effort, to keep his Nobels happy and not alienate them Varian declared War on Aoura and left with his fleet to rush them before they could muster their naval force and meet them at sea. Auoran Ships are the fastest in the world, the Strongest in the world and can control the very storms. Stormwind met the Aouran Navy with 1500 ships and returned home with less then 15. Auorans suffered just as heavily and so a ceasefire was declared.   Now 2 years later Varian risks civil war if he cannot consolidate support with the nobility. So, Varian has marched to Grommashar instated the Orders of glory (Not a popular move at all) and started to plan his assault.

This story is told by

Supporting Cast
  • Ser/Knight-Commander Eienhart
    Eienhart is a proud and Nobel man. Willing to defend his kingdom with his life. Eienhart will always have a deep respect for his home of Griffin Heights.
  • Hammer Garl'Mak
    A brilliant bronze skinned Orc Blade Smith. He is the husband of Enkh'Jargal and resides upon the valley slopes of Griffin Heights.