Session 1: The Beginning of our Tale Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 1: The Beginning of our Tale

General Summary

Our tale begins in the estate of the Red Shores Garden, a Tabaxi run orchard on the outskirts of the free city of Lasthome. Gathered together in a tea room are an eclectic group of adventurers.   Aatavi: a powerfully built human of strange dress and accent, Aatavi hails from the remote island of Ysfor and moves as if he were more accustomed to the sea than land.   Aaura: “I’m a celestial” Aaura blurts out as her mentor, a lanky human with straggly gray hair looks on. A striking creature with light brown skin and platinum hair, Aaura has spent most of her life in a cloister, training in the arcane arts.   Faelyn Blueshade: A suave manner and blue blooded confidence marked the half elf’s demeanor as he told the others that they could rely on his sorcerous gifts if they ever found themselves in trouble. Faelyn was familiar with the Red Shores Clan, having worked for them for months.   Keokan Cronavken: “You can call me Godspeaker, as my herd does” offered the goliath. At over 7 ½ feet tall, Keokan had more trouble than most navigating the narrow tabaxi halls. Tattoos of talons cover scars on his shoulders, while his chest is emblazoned with the skull of a sabre toothed cat.   and Shadow of Fire or “Shadow”: a quiet tabaxi with black fur and orange highlights. Shadow and her yukisaru companion Omori come from a distant land with the mission that has brought the group together.   Gathered together by the Garden’s Mistress, Lady Akamay, our group of heroes is tasked with helping Shadow discover a magical sacred flame within the halls of the Red Shores Clan’s old home, a group of cliff dwellings to the northeast. The party is warned that these dwellings have been overrun with goblins, making this a dangerous adventure. As recompense they are promised 1,000gp and additional payments for any artifacts recovered, and any goblins that they “take care of”.   Before setting off in the morning, Faelyn and Keokan are approached by Lao, one of the Red Shore tabaxi who asks them to look out for a couple of scouts that recently went missing in the hills. Juwen and Ichii were surveying land and should have returned a week ago. Any help or information about their whereabouts would be greatly appreciated.   The group leaves shortly thereafter, following the red waters of the Blushwine river and using a painted fan given to them by Lady Akamay as a map. They hike for days and camp during the night, with each member taking watch to ensure a good night’s rest on the road. During one of these watches, the barbarian Aatavi spies a large white wolf with shining green eyes stalking the party from a distance. To protect his sleeping friends, Aatavi stands tall and locks eyes with the wolf, forcing the beast to retreat through his steadfast and intimidating display. In the morning Aatavi says nothing of this.   On the third day of their travels they spy a landmark, a high hill topped with blue rocks. Atop the hill’s crown they discover a wrecked campsite where signs of a struggle point to goblin marauders. As Faelyn and Keokan investigate for signs of the missing tabaxi scouts, Aaura spies an ogre, lurking behind a ring of large boulders. A fight quickly ensues, with a second ogre joining the fray shortly after it begins.   The group’s first battle is fierce. Keokan and Aatavi slash and pierce into the ogres, Faelyn and Aaura hurl bolts of magic energy, and Shadow strikes with well placed crossbow bolts from a distance. In the end, the party proves too much for the brutes, who fall to spell, spear, and sword.

Tales from Grand Ymmarion
Report Date
25 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Blushing Hills

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