One Shot: Vicious Cow Killer Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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One Shot: Vicious Cow Killer Report

General Summary

18th Barrakas, 998 YK

  • Shortly after the party arrive in New Cyre, they are informed by Oargev ir'Wynarn that something is killing livestock.
  • They investigate a carcass left by the beast. It'd been disemboweled, and was covered in claw marks. Terfel Glas investigated it and found that it's throat had also been crushed. It potentially died from asphyxiation.
  • Warden spoke to some plants, but they hadn't seen anything.
  • He also spoke to some of the surviving cows. He was surrounded and approached by Mabel, the cow's chosen representative for this communication.
  • Mabel explained that the killer was big, bigger than the cows. It had three heads, claws, hooves, leathery wings and a scaley tail.
  • How bizarre.
  • Oargev had sent scouts into the woods south of New Cyre, around the base of the Seawall Mountains, to hunt the beast. They hadn't returned.
  • The party went out in search of the missing scouts, and eventually found them all slain around an old road.
  • Three of them were strewn around the road. One was crushed against a nearby cliff face, and two of them had been burnt to death. The fourth scout was a bit further away, and was either dragged across the ground or dropped from height.
  • They gathered up the corpses, to take them back to New Cyre. While they were doing this, Dax' Athla  heard a twig snap and caught a glimpse of something large.
  • Dax and Warden tried to get Terfel's attention, and when he turned to question what they wanted, the beast attacked him.
  • It had the front half of a lion, the back half of a goat, with leathery wings and a scaley tail. It had three heads, a lion's, a goat's, and a red dragon's.
  • Warden entangled it and then they bursted it down. It only got one turn, RIP.
  • Dax skinned it expertly.
  • They sent Warden's familiar to scout around and see if they could locate it's lair. There were quite a few caves around the area, but few large enough for the Chimera.
  • They followed the road, concerned that the Chimera was likely created rather than born.
  • They found an abandoned mine. It was strewn with bones and decomposing corpses, probably the Chimera's lair.
  • They did a sweep but found the mine was too large to search and clear on their own. There was a wagon in the camp, but it was in poor condition. They repaired it as best they could and loaded it up with some of the ore that remained in the camp.
  • They took the wagon back to the corpse and loaded it up with the Chimera skin, and the corpses of the fallen scouts.
  • They returned to New Cyre and got Siebold Adelbertskrieger to identify the ore as Crude Iron.
  • They informed Oargev of the mine.
  • They got 600 salvage!

Eberron: Inquisition


Level 5 Warforged Circle of the Stars Druid
(Gatekeeper Initiate)
/ 38 HP

Terfel Glas

Level 5 Human (Mark of Sentinel) Fighter (Echo Knight)
(War Hero)
/ 68 HP


Report Date
20 Mar 2021

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