83. An End to the Swords of Liberty? Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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83. An End to the Swords of Liberty? Report

General Summary

28th Rhaan, 999 YK

  • Lozaal Daashor picks the lock and they enter the facility.
  • Thorn goes in first and makes sure the way is clear, and the others enter.
  • Lozaal Daashor looks through a keyhole in a large reinforced door to the left of them as they enter, revealing what appears to be an armory. He picks the lock.
  • Inside are 17 suits of studded leather armour, 17 short swords and 8 light crossbows. There are 27 absent spots.
  • The swords are identified as coming from Cannith West by their maker mark. Warden  cuts the strings on the crossbows.
  • They proceed, and Thorn notices there are 2 people training outside. She keeps watch.
  • The others enter what seems to be a locker room. There are 24 lockers, which don't seem to be locked. There's a lot of trust amongst the Swords of Liberty. Lozaal takes the family pictures from the lockers.
  • They open a door to reveal what seems to be a spa. Warden goes in and pours the gastric-distress-mushroom-extract into the bath. And they say the terrorists are bad.
  • Thorn sneaks ahead of the group to scout. She identifies 4 doors.
  • The closest has someone behind it, but no lock to look through so she was unsure how many. The next door along was an office with 3 people in, opposite that was a kitchen. At the end of the corridor was another locked door.
  • They guess that the office is probably the room they want, but they decide to take both rooms with people in to avoid raising an alarm.
  • Dax' Athla  and Lozaal Daashor enter the storage room and incapacitate the alchemist in there. Dax takes their bandolier, which contained 5 vials of acid and a potion of healing.
  • The rest of the group burst into the office and attack. The Red Owl is tricksy and seems to be immune to their spells. Kalshana casts silence in the room and a fight ensues.
  • The Red Owl seems to be capable of magic, and is immune to the groups spells. Luckily, the group has a surplus of Bonk! to deliver.
  • The Red Owl manages to slip out of the room and tries to flee, but they chase her down. They remove her mask, revealing the face of Haydith ir'Wynarn.
  • Uh oh, this is a political incident.
  • They extract the Red Owl from the compound, blindfolded and bound with Dax's magebinders to prevent her from casting.
  • Terfel Glas finds letters in the Red Owl's desk from someone named Kelas ir'Daran, promising weapons, armour, and funding for "the cause", manufactured by Cannith West and delivered via Aundair.
  • They bring the Red Owl to the King's Swords and hand her over. Terfel hands over the letters he found in the office, requesting that he receive copies of them. Thorn doesn't say no, but she also doesn't say yes.
  • After some discussion, Dax remembers a story she heard from Drego Sarhain, of shapeshifting fiends that are immune to most magic, including anything that would detect them.
  • Lozaal suggests killing the Red Owl, to be safe. Thorn argues that they cannot kill a princess of Karrnath, even if they suspect it isn't really her.
  • Kalshana has met Haydith before, so she casts Sending and contacts her! She's in her room, in Wroat! She also contacts Three to confirm, and they confirm!
  • They hand the Red Owl over to the King's Swords custody, with warnings about how dangerous she is. She will remain blinded and magebound. The party may be informed of what happens, they may not.
  • With the mission complete, Thorn tells the party they are released from any obligation. If they attend, she will see them at the Droaam Summit, and then she leaves.


Hi Haydith, it's me, Kal. We met ages ago. Anyway, I'm just curious, are you at home safe right now? It'll make sense later. Kal x   Hey Kal! I remember you! That's a little scary. I'm at home, in my room. What's going on? Did something happen?   Hi Three, it's me, Kal. I met you ages ago. Security issue: will explain: can you confirm if Haydith is at home in Wroat? Thanks   Why hello there Kal, I think I remember you. Haydith actually just came and found me to say you contacted her. Can confirm she's here.   Hi Haydith, sorry to be a bit quiet but we found someone to be pretending to be you!! We've got her though, don't worry! Kal x   Oh! That is scary! What were they doing with my face?   Last spell slot. It'll become clear soon - can't explain right now. Investigation ongoing. See you later, Kal

Eberron: Inquisition


Level 5 Warforged Circle of the Stars Druid
(Gatekeeper Initiate)
/ 38 HP


Report Date
15 Jan 2022

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