Return to Berkshire Session 1 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Return to Berkshire Session 1 Report

General Summary

Returning to the small village of Berkshire , the party was intent on exploring the rest of the Berkshire Silver Mine . Mimicking the voice of the guard captain, Normus Stoutbeard , Pip convinced the guards to let the party back into the mine.   After travelling down the right fork, the group came to a door with an eagle carved above it, just as the Pumpkin King had told them to look out for. Having no thief with them, and probably not strong enough to break the door down, the party resorted to trying to burn it down and cast spells at it to shatter it. Eventually the plan worked.   Beyond the door was a chamber with rings to hold manacles and a track system leading into the darkness, heading in the general direction of Kratas . Following the track, the party came to a second door, this one of iron, as well as a mine cart powered by a small True Elemental Fire engine. The iron door had two murder holes and guards were discovered to be inside. Pip also discovered that the guards had tattoos marking them as members of some kind of gang.   Pip used the Cloak spell to make herself difficult to see and used Ephemeral Bolt to lure the guards out. The guards did not see the other two who were hiding so the party got a surprise round in. Unfortunately, when the surprise was over, Pip got knocked down out of the sky and badly wounded from one of the guards' crossbows. In the final round of combat, Alshta 'Yam-Tong' performed a massive (yet artsy) attack, gutting one of the guards. Eventually one guard was rendered unconscious and another was killed.   Pip marked the door, did a little reconnaissance beyond it (discovering that the area probably lead to the Undercity in Kratas and returned.   Tying up and loading the unconscious guard into the cart, the party moved a ways up the tunnel back towards the beginning. Krilong helped Pip to heal and when the guard awoke the party "interrogated" him, learning that the area was under the control of a gang known as Brocher's Brood , but little other information.

Rewards Granted

250 Legend Points
1 suit of fernweave armor
7 silver pieces

Missions/Quests Completed


Character(s) interacted with

Normus Stoutbeard

Forged in the Crucible of Legend


Report Date
09 Feb 2019
Primary Location
Berkshire Silver Mine
Secondary Location

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