Session 0 Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 0 Report

General Summary

The day was to be for Tim and Gato to move to the low security tordial on ESA Orbital Penitentiary 6V. The Warden was introducing 4 new inmates, Lee, Epi One, Finnigan O'Shea, and Tejumane Greer who are incoming high sec prisoners. During Warden Marcus Fulton speach the collision clakstons sounded off. Within seconds all the inmates and guards assembled in the common area saw the crew tordial and one of the two low security tordials ripped apart by speeding objects. within a few more seconds the main hub shaft and the solar panels/satellite dishes array were also smashed. Corporal Mbita Abasi used some non-lethal to quell the growing tension of the prisoners as the Warden tried to keep everyone calm during the confusion. Power was lost and gravity was slowly being lost.

The prisoner were heading back to their cells for safety when two unidentified craft attached to the station. One attached across the way on the other side of the hi-sec tordial and another on the low-sec tordial that wasn't obliterated. The automated turrets engaged and open fire on all those unlucky enough to still be in the common area, including the Warden who suffered a fatal shot. The guards however didn't suffer as the flechettes couldn't penetrated their armor. The guard quickly shot out the turrets as well as all the cameras in the common room.

liam and Timothy Butusov hunkered down in their cell. Lee and Epi One were caught in the hallway as the remaining prisoners waited and watch the carnage out in the common area. Officers Yashida Kei and Jumaane Popelin guard the entrance to the common area as they shout out for inmate Stellox (aka Epi) to come out immediately. She hid in fright of what was going on. The guards continue with request and started with threats. Again Epi remained silent. Eventually the inmates dragged the incoming inmate Greer, who was shoved aside. LunaFist made his way toward the entrance and shimmed himself in a corner above, using his athletic skills to avoid detection. Corporal Mbita approached the doorway and fired in several gas shells from his Luig Franhchi P.16. He then entered the cell block and started executing prisoners through the gas fog, looking for Epi. Epi soon couldnt' take the violence that was unfolding and present herself.

Lunafist, attempted to sneak past the corporal inot the common area only be tasered by officer Kei. He was promptly cuffed and set aside.

Mbita brought her to the Warden and Captain. Captain Marissa order her to attempt to save Warden Fulton as best she can from the neck wound he suffered. Epi was a nervous wreck and while the Captain was reprimading Corporal Mbita, she accidentaly cause the warden's death. Not realizing what Epi had done, Captain Marissa assumed he was too far gone for saving.

The Captain called all survivors into the common room and instructed everyone this was now a survival situation. Those prisoners who decide to cause a problem would be the first to be spaced. She then went about finding someone to see about getting power back online. The corporal and a Irawo inmate went off into the main shaft to see what can be done. The rest of the inmates worked on collecting and food/water/air to the common room to ration.

Power was evenutally brought up and Gato started doing analysis on the system to determine the damage. The craft has 8 hours of air, no radio, and is drifting out of orbit. Currently there are no habitats within range for another 10 hours.

The High Life

Epi One

Amanari Tambu (Karl Hungus)

Report Date
26 Oct 2022
Primary Location
ESA Orbital Penitentiary 6V

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