Session 10: We have an army! Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 10: We have an army! Report

General Summary

Dr Gracie
The session started off with the beginning of everyone's shift. Epi One walked into the medbay to find Dr Dr Gracie being confronted by a family member of one of the patients of the epidemic. The heat argument turned violent when the family member pulled a knife. Epi was able to restrain them while Dr Gracie injected her with a seditive, knocking her out.

Technician Ishumi
Later in Epi shift, she talked with Ishumi. She showed Ishumai the data that Gato had stolen from Dornier-Bauer datafort. Ishumi requested a datapad that she could review this data. They then talked about various gossip around Karl and Midori relationship.

Mogui reaches out to ZigZag. Tells him that Lilly Bai wants to meet with the team before their next shift.

Karl continued his efforts to integrate with the Frozen Brothers. He starts spending more time with them.

Gato starts to gather propaganda information about O'Neil One. Specifically about how the colony has faired since the revolt. He also works to help the rest of the team with various tasks to coninue the operation onboard Galileo - O'Neil 2. He also sells off some of the Dornier-Bauer data he lifed as well.

After everyone shifts, they came to find that the bunks had been tossed. Nothing was taken from the team as no contraband was found.

Gato re-encrypted the ebooks and chip. He made sure that only the ebook could read the chip else it was a bunch of garbage on another device. Epi continued to review the data from Dornier-Bauer.

Galileo - AI
Gato then reached out to Galileo, the AI. He showed the AI the data dump of the Dornier-Bauer research on the epidemci. He thought the AI should know what's going on within the colony. He also phrased things to appeal to the persona that the AI has taken, hoping to gain some favor with it.

After a long day, the team got some rest, well except one. Karl was visted during the night by Midori. Having some more relationships with the Frozen Brothers. Tim was awake to watch her sneak off while Epi tried to blot out the sounds.

Lilly Bai
Drain Pipa Leader
In the "morning" the team is taken by Mogui through a maze of tunnels and service ducts to finally meet with Lilly Bai. Lilly spills some of the politics that are happening on the colony amongst the Highrider tribes. She stressed her concerns over members of her own family, particularly Astro. She also says that Jax is very loyal and that the team can trust him. As for other Drain Pipa, that is still to be determined. She sends the team off to their shifts and says she will speak again soon with them.

Corporal Cyril
During the next day shift, Tim is shaken down by Corporal Cyril. The Corporal shows Tim a holo of his prison picture. The Corporal knows he wasn't killed at Penitentiary when it was destroyed. The Corporal is willing to turn a blind eye, as long as Tim plays ball. He is looking for dirt on the Highriders and expects Tim to be a snitch for the ISF.

Gato also had some eventful workshift. He was able to decrypt some of the stolen research data for Epi, started logging the traffic on who is using the ISF tap the team installed, and made 4k eb from some stolen data. He was also able to decrypt 3 of the 5 encrypted files he was able to get from the datafort.

Epi learn a bunch about the epidemic. She was able to retrieve the research that her team had done. She also found some more analysis data about the subject. The final file was from Biotechnica and talked about the same bio-chemical agents but was dated over a year ago.

When Karl was getting off shift, Lock stood silently and menacingly as he boarded the colony. The rest of the crew quickly desuited and left, while Karl took some time. He tried to talk with Lock, but Lock would have none of it. But Karl wasn't left alone, Midori approach him and they spent a few hours in the braindance arcade.

After getting off shift ZigZag started to find out more about the Ngozi Courers. He is working to start gaining contacts with that tribe to further the team's goals.

The group assembled at the "Temple" to talk about the situation. Jax was also brought along by TimButusov. TimButusov continued to grilled him trying to determine if he is a traitor or just stupid. The latter was determined to be the verdict. The team talked about the next steps as well as the information they uncovered.

The High Life

Brent Jarvinen - ZigZag

Epi One

Amanari Tambu (Karl Hungus)

Report Date
28 Apr 2023

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