Session 18: Into the Storm Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 18: Into the Storm

General Summary

Upon seeing the approaching storm, Dormaruk prepares the ship for heading straight into it, whilst Kazagal, Jeanne, and Nakor discuss the legal and moral implications of keeping and using drugs on the ship. The entire crew rests up a bit in the few hours it took for them to sail into the storm, which seemed to be almost fixed in place. When they finally made it into the storm they were met by heavy winds and over 90ft tall waves. This made for difficult conditions to sail in. On Kazagals behest, Dormaruk finally used the newly acquired magical sails to take the ship down into the depths.    As soon as they dove into an oncoming wave they were hit by a calmness. The waining winds and thundering lightning strikes suddenly seemed distant. After about an hour of sailing under the storm, and seeing a passing whale, the party started to look for the hull of the Pitched Wanker. To this end, the Captain tried to raise the ship over the waves enough to let Me'iq in the crow's nest get a glimpse above water. After a few attempts with no result, and even him trying for himself with his eagle-sharp vision, he gave in and continued under the waves. Some time later they saw the hull of a ship from underneath the surface. They approached to investigate.   Dormaruk prepared the cannons and turned the broadside to the other ship. He then raised the ship above water. Immediately rage stirred in him, as he saw the tilted mast of the Pitched Wanker, bearing a black flag. With the crew flying into a frenzy he yelled for the enemy captain and ordered his cannons to fire. A salvo crashed into the pitched wanker. Splinters flew as the lead balls hit their mark. To avoid the returned fire, Dormaruk lowered the mermaid into the depths again. Kazagal had gone down to help Rik-rik and Mortogh with the cannons, whilst being pestered by the advice of Sir Horzin, commenting on his every move. Nakor climbed into the crow's nest, switching places with Me'iq. He then cast a message spell to random figures on the enemy ship, whispering demoralising comments into their heads. Meanwhile, Jeanne spent some time covering her arrows in poison to prepare for the inevitable battle.    The tactic of sinking and rising out of the ocean to avoid cannon fire didn't seem to be as effective as the captain had hoped and realising that the mermaid was taking more damage than the wanker, he decided that they would board the enemy. The ship sank into the ocean one last time and prepared to rise up behind the enemy. The crew prepared to board the enemy, and Dormaruk prepared himself for a battle that he had longed for since he was left on that godforsaken island outside of Fyre. They rose out of the sea and let one last salvo of cannon fire. Hooks were thrown and the wanker was pulled into boarding distance.   As soon as the illustrious captain Thorpe was within view, Dormaruk lost it and threw an axe which hit the surprised captain in the shoulder. He then went down to lead his crew in the assault. Jeanne stood by his side and shot her poisoned arrows at the pirates, as Kazagal and sir Horzin joined them on deck. Nakor felt energy crackle between his fingertips at the anticipation of the coming battle. When the wanker was close enough the crew of the Swift Mermaid lept over to the enemy ship with captain Dormaruk and Jeanne in the front.    The sight that met them was the pale captain Thorpe surrounded by his men, or what remained of them. They all seemed like half-rotten corpses encapsulated in water which controlled them like mariounettes. The corpses met their charge and a battle broke out. Jeanne was the first to steady herself and shot an arrow at one of the biggest pirates guarding the captain. Her walloping bolt from her wrist-mounted crossbow threw the corpse back leaving the water behind, which now lost its humanoid shape and assumed a more fluid posture. Thorpe then drew his scimitar, which crackled with blue lightning, and then raised his hand towards Dormaruk and let loose a large lightning bolt with passed straight through the minotaur, who fell down on one knee. Just as soon Dormaruk rose back up, eyes glowing with red hot rage. He charged the corpse of Flynn, who stood between him and Thorpe, with the orcs own axe. With a wide swing he cut him down, but the waters seemed to hold him together.   Meanwhile Nakor, feeling challenged by the lightning bolt shot by Thorpe, threw himself from the crow's nest. At the same time, he grew to 7ft tall, with wide glowing wings sprouting from his back. He flew over the battle and shot a ball of lightning at the captain, followed by a ball of ice at the corpse next to him, which seemed to almost freeze as it dropped the corpse. When he had fired the ball of ice he seemed to spontaneously grow a beard of black feathers. Kazagal finally found himself, looked at Sir Horzin, then the two of them joined the fray. Sir Horzin joined the rest of the crew, saving Garthur from a stray blow. Kazagal, eager to prove himself, charged the corpse of Flynn. And with two quick masterful strikes cut not only the corpse into pieces, but the water creature as well, which now took the form of two smaller bodies of water. Jeanne drew her sword and joined the fight with Dormaruk and Kazagal, disposing of one of the water elementals.    Suddenly all but Dormaruk and two of the elementals were thrown back as Thorpe summoned a powerful wall of wind around him. Nakor, seeing this from above fired down another two balls of ice into the two elementals, slowing them enough to clear Dormaruks way to Thorpe. The minotaur took his chance and charged through the magical winds and grappled the surprised captain. Whilst holding him in place with his axe he hit the sword out of his hand with a hard strike. As Kazagal and Jeanne both dispatched of two elementals Thorpe, angered at his situation, released a psionic blast which threw Dormaruk off of him and into unconsciousness, as well as destroying another of the elementals. He then ran to pick up his sword. Nakor flew over him to stop the captain by blasting him with a ball of ice, bringing him to his knees. Kazagal ran up to face him. Thorpe managed to block the first strike but was hit in the chest with the other.    Meanwhile, sir Horzin managed to lay a hand on Dormaruk and fill him with last of his holy might, bringing him back on his feet. The minotaur let out a raging roar and whilst Thorpe struck Kazagal with his sword he charged the man, pinning him to the wheel and hit him in the head with the butt end of his axe, knocking him out. As soon as the captain fell uncouncious, the water elementals let go of the corpses and slid away into the ocean.    As the battle calmed they could see the calamity. Joric, Jack, Garthur, Diony and Merturrok lay injured across the deck. They also saw Ivar dead in the arms of his twin, Anto being mourned by his two brothers, as well as the lifeless bodies of Me'iq and Aartash among the pirates' corpses. Nakor landed among the rest and retook his usual form. After seeing the devestation done to his crew, Dormaruk turned back to captain Thorpe, preparing to interrogate him.

The Oceans Call

Kazagal Headsmasher

8 / 8 HP

Jeanne de La Brouhaha

Lawful Neutral Human (Imperial Intelligence Officer)
Rogue 7
Fighter 1
53 / 52 HP

Dormaruk Stonehoof

Chaotic Good Minotaur ()
Barbarian 5
24 / 24 HP
Player Journals
Necessary Evil by Jeanne
Report Date
21 Dec 2021
Primary Location
The Swift Mermaid

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