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The Windsong Chronicles

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Jord
07/25/2020 | Looking for Players


  • Jord
    The full World of Jord.  This is a World Map In progress (This is a work in progress)
  • Raiders Point
    The Village of Raider's Point
  • Game Area
    Map of the area and suroundings of the Vale of Balder.
Supporting Cast
  • Aramoth
    Aramoth is An elven rainger who lives in a cabin on the outskirts of Falsa. Aramoth is friends with Windsong the mage and collects Firemoss for the wizard from time to time.
  • Lord Frigojr Ravenheart
    Lord Ravenheart was one the ruler over the local lands where he led from a castle that was destroyed during the Great War. He now resides in a wealthy manor in @[Raider's Point](settlement:d8a32b35-9ae0-4552-96c4-a71ba6e42195).
  • Ironaxe Stoneforge
    The Son of Klebor Stoneforge Ironaxe turned to the life of adventure.  Traveling with the likes of Subek Krom, Gorbash, and Windsong Ironaxe was able to travel the world and see many things.  Ironaxe is now traveling with Windsong the mage.
  • Jackobie
    Jackobie showed up in Raider's Point with Baltare shortly after the Great War.  Scruffy, and sly Jackobie has been the loyal lackey of Baltare in all things of a "sneaky" Nature.
  • Keyoghi Yamagomo
    Refugee stuck here after the portals went down during the Great War Keyoghi is now working in @[Raider's Point](settlement:d8a32b35-9ae0-4552-96c4-a71ba6e42195) as a potter selling his wears in the Markanor Market. Keyoghi is also a master of the martial arts.
  • Kruerk Baltare
    Baltare began his life as an adventurer just before the Great War. Soon he found himself as a competent caravan guard and moved quickly to Caravan boss. During the Great War Baltare fought in the battle of Kromwell and won high honors. With his earnings from the war he purchased his first shipping company and has not looked back since and now owns the largest shipping and freight company on this continent.
  • Mayor of Raiders Point & Chief of the Bear Paw Clan Slaton Alton
    Mayor of Raiders point & Chiefton of the Bear Paw Clan.
  • Ulf Elolod
    Warden Elolod
  • Valtus
    Valtus was met in Raiders Point. A scraggly man dressed in gray robes marked with a burning eye.

Sessions Archive

3rd Oct 2020

What does Wisper see up ahead?

The party has arrived at the place located on the map that Valtus had given them as a reward. The party ventured forward through the creeping dark of the dusk sky they could make out the shapes of ancient ruins in the distance. As Wisper assumed the lead he crept forward through the misty brush until his eye caught a flicker of light in the ruins ahead. Crouching down he raised his hand and signaled the rest of the party to stop, and that’s when he could see the shadow of something moving just out of sight.......   What is up ahead? Will it be friend or foe? What is this treasure that this map speaks of, and what do the strange scribbles "must look further north" mean that are written on the bottom of the map? Find out in this week’s Adventure in The Windsong Chronicles........

26th Sep 2020

Time to regroup

The group had been separated for too long... Clive has done his shopping in preparation for the journey to the place located on the treasure map. Killian has locked himself in Windsong's library and is researching everything he can. And Mordiki, Wisper, Angron, and Kriggor are deep inside a tomb searching for a ring... It is time to bring the group together and find out just what happened to the missing priest & potter... What had happened to Urula & Volkhart.... What were the strange archways buried under the village... Does any of this have to do with the Burning Eye??     Tune in on Saturday at 5:pm eastern time to find out.

Read the Report
19th Sep 2020

New player Setup

Something has led you to a small village on the Hakarl Coast called Raiders Point. You have gathered that strange things are happening here. A wizard has been renovating a long abandoned tower, Baltare's Shipping and freight has made it's base of operations here, and you must see the famous Marknaor Market, and The Blackforge Smithy. Why are so many interesting things going on in such a small village... You must go and find out..... As you all may know we will be adding new players this weeks.. Myself and Dm Andrew have been doing interviews and such. As the regular game will be on hold we will still be running the campaign to get the new players up to speed… So please welcome any new faces you see and if you want to play in this weeks the game please do…. those of you who cant play should check out the world anvil page, work on your characters on world anvil, and clean up you character sheets.

Read the Report
12th Sep 2020

And so it Begins again

Something has led you to a small village on the Hakarl Coast called Raiders Point. You have gathered that strange things are happening here. A wizard has been renovating a long abandoned tower, Baltare's Shipping and freight has made it's base of operations here, and you must see the famous Marknaor Market, and The Blackforge Smithy. Why are so many interesting things going on in such a small village... You must go and find out.....   As you all may know we will be adding new players in the next two weeks.. Myself and Dm Andrew have been doing interviews and such. As the regular game will be on hold we will still be running the campaign to get the new players up to speed… So please welcome any new faces you see and if you want to play in the next two weeks the game will still go on…. those of you who cant play in the next two weeks should check out the world anvil page, and clean up you character sheets.

Read the Report
5th Sep 2020

And now what?

I was a slacker and this was quickly set up

Read the Report
29th Aug 2020

Ding Dong the Ratling is dead.......

The Ratling is dead and the party worked well together. Now it would seem that Lord Ravenheart needs some assistance... What could such a rich and powerful noble need? Also still no clue as to the whereabouts of the High priest or the potter, just what is up with the mysterious archways, and will Mordeki make everyone sit through some kind of service on the holy day? Find out on Saturday at 6:pm. Location: Discord and Roll 20. Bring your own Doritos and Mtn. Dew.

Read the Report
15th Aug 2020

Deeper into the lair of the Ratling

Delving deeper into the twisting and turning pathways of the Ratlings lair the intrepid party ventured forth, slaying hordes of crazed rats. Will this Ratling be a tough foe the party wondered? What else would they find deep in this dark cave? Where was the high priest and potter? What was the strange archway they had found? And will Urula ever take a bath... Find out in this weeks installment of The Windsong Chronicles.

Read the Report
8th Aug 2020

What a Wondrous Hat you have

As Urula Continued to chew on her newly acquired deer leg the party began to wonder what was causing these rats to act so violently?,... Who was this wizard named Windsong?,... Could he be the fabled Windsong from the great war?,... Where could this Ratling be hiding?... And Just how fabulous Clive looked in his new Hat... Will the party be able to survive the Quest of the Ratling.

Read the Report
1st Aug 2020

And so it begins

Something has led you to a small village on the Hakarl Coast called Raiders Point. You have gathered that strange things are happening here. A wizard has been renovating a long abandoned tower, Baltare's Shipping and freight has made it's base of operations here, and you must see the famous Marknaor Market, and The Blackforge Smithy. Why are so many interesting things going on in such a small village... You must go and find out.....

Read the Report
The world is a dangerous place since the Great War. Ten years have passed. It is unsafe to travel the roads for fear of bandit attack. Cities and villages alike are recovering, but with tragic losses. And monsters roam freely. It is time to take back the world.

This story is told by