Episode 25 - The Crying Game

General Summary

  • The Guardians of Golarion fought off three Forest Drakes, killing two of them while the third fled.
  • After the combat was over, elves emerged from the forest and slowly approached, holding their bows in a non-threatening manner but still at the ready. Kaerishiel, leader of the band of Shin'Rakorath, recognized them from a description received from Kwava. He instructed the party to follow him.
  • They arrived at Crying Leaf, a village that had clearly seen combat recently. Kaerishiel quickly led them to a low stone building near the edge of town where they refreshed themselves from their long journey. Many of the elves followed them and loitered around outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the outsiders. Kaerishiel, meanwhile, left to report to Eviana and prepared for the meeting.
  • The Guardians were led to meet with Eviana. The leader of Crying Leaf swore the party to secrecy, then asked them to relay what information they might have of the situation. Godric told her everything - from the drow in Riddleport, to Lasdo and the Twilight Empire, Ardura, and the events on the Devil's Elbow. He presented her with the two drow journals, which she quickly skimmed over. She thanked the Guardians for the information and confessed that things were much worse than any of them had suspected. She offered them a reward for the journal, which they accepted, and asked if the party would consider waiting in town while Eviana consulted with her contacts in Kyonin. She hinted that she may have further use of the Guardians.
  • Kaerishiel, clearly displeased with the outsider's involvement in elven matters, led the party back to their lodge. After he departed, the Guardians set out to explore the small village of Crying Leaf. Proteus found the town square and suggested that Reh perform to help sway the town's attitude toward them. After a rough start with her flute, she sang a song in elven that drew many elves out of their homes and attracted a small crowd to the town square.
  • Just after sundown, the Guardians returned to their lodge and enjoyed a meal of fire-roasted vegetables, bread, and a few bottles of elven wine. Later that evening they received a visitor named Ishtan’yi, who had been sent by Khaylin. He conveyed Khaylin's message that he had retaken control of the Beast, but struggled to maintain control over it. He felt that if he were to lose control over himself in a populated area, everyone would die. Ishtan’yi also came with a warning. The party still carried with them an item of great evil - the Helm of Suffering. Something was looking for it, but had yet to find it. Ishtan’yi had been given strict instructions not to take it, and told the Guardians that Khaylin was looking for a means to either contain the mask or destroy it. For now, it was safe wherever they had it hidden.
  • After a night of unusual dreams, the party woke when Kaerishiel arrived with a small host of his guards and asked them to accompany him to Eviana. Returning to the lodge, the heroes found the leader of Crying Leaf dressed for battle, along with several other elves who were poring over large maps of the forest. She announced that they were going to war, swayed by the information that the Guardians had provided. Since they already had experience dealing with the drow, the Guardians' assistance would be quite valuable in the upcoming battles. Eviana asked if they would help, and the Guardians agreed.
  • Eviana thanked them deeply and asked them to return to their lodge to prepare for the journey to Celwynvian. After the meeting, Kaerishiel escorted the party back to their lodge. When the lodge was in sight, he snapped angrily at them and told the heroes that they had no idea of the danger they had just walked into. He stormed off to prepare his men for the journey, and the Guardians of Golarion did the same. They managed to purchase a few potions of Cure Light Wounds, memorized some spells, and prepared to go to war against the drow.

Rewards Granted

  • 2000 gp reward from Eviana for delivering the two drow journals.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Deliver the two drow journals to Eviana in Crying Leaf

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ishtan'yi



24692 + 1440 = 26132 XP

Second Darkness


Report Date
03 Feb 2019
Primary Location
Crying Leaf

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