Session 5 - Wrapping Up in Azmarin Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 5 - Wrapping Up in Azmarin

General Summary

After the party deals with Jira and her henchmen, they explore the hideout a bit more and find some gold and Sending Stones in the safe. In the meantime, Saldera gets someone from the local police department, who takes over the guarding of the henchmen, allowing the party to take some rest.   The following morning, the party goes to the police station to question the henchmen. Lua intimidates him, after which he tells the party that the stolen items from the museum (i.e., The Staff of Zehan Dur, and two tomes called the Shataf Acknak and the Bodram Sur) were taken by Wilvias to Craydon. In addition, the henchman tells the party that they've been involved in setting up obelisks throughout the desert, after which he mysteriously passes away. When the party leaves the police station, they also receive a financial reward for dealing with Jira.   Finally, after the party goes for a quick shopping spree, they go to the Zylra Travelling Guild to sign themselves up as mercenaries and (successfully) pass a combat test with one of the people working at the guild.  

Character(s) interacted with

  • Jira Ironslayer - A drow who has been implicated in the attack on the Azmarin Leyline and the Azmarin museum.
  • Rawog Ekeni - A half-orc who is part of the army of the Federation of Tyrael and head of the local police. She wears a metallic heavy armor with blue accents and a fist symbol, as well as a polearm.

Ashalar Campaign
Report Date
27 Apr 2022
Primary Location

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