Ability To Prematurely Close A Suggestion | World Anvil

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Ability To Prematurely Close A Suggestion

Feature Upgrade · World management · Created by Rilameth
accessibility mental-health

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

  Currently, if you were mistaken about something when you made a suggestion, then you're locked into about a week of receiving notifications of people dogpiling you, telling you that you were wrong. This is not helpful, and if anything is counterproductive - telling someone once is helpful, subjecting them to a week of 'people who don't read comments history gang up on someone daring to be wrong on the internet' is not helpful and just causes anxiety and dread in checking one's notifications/logging onto WorldAnvil.   If a feature for prematurely closing a suggestion already exists, then it's so buried and counterintuitive that it might as well not exist as of current. It needs to be really clear and obvious (while I cannot speak for other people, I'm fairly sure I'm not the only person on this platform with vision impairment and mental illness, some of us really do need things to be obvious as an accessibility thing).

How does this feature request address the current situation?

  By having the ability to close one's own suggestion prematurely, it would allow people who were under a mistaken impression to just put an end to it upon receiving information that 'actually Y already exists, you find it in X,' rather than being locked into hearing it over and over and over again for a whole week.   Any such suggestion closed this way should probably get marked as having not achieved any thresholds, no matter the amount of votes on it, simply because the purpose of this is to allow someone to just not have their notifications dogpiled.   This should hopefully help make WA Suggestions feel less intimidating and cause fewer strong negative experiences.

What are other uses for this feature request?

  Can't think of any.

The Team's Response

Hello Beans!   So I will begin by saying that that, of course it was never my intention to see people hurt. I would hope this was clear, but guess I should state it.   Secondly, keep in mind that you might not be able to see who is the asshat that left the rude comment, but I can, and I do keep track and I do message or penalize people who are not following proper etiquette.   Thirdly, you can always come to me, to close a suggestion.   I will not make the suggestions closable by the author because that can invite a huge amount of issues including the loss of coins and frustration for the voters (positive or negative), suggestions spamming and general abuse.   Switching off notifications is a band-aid not a solution.   Adding a "post-suggestion" edits field, might be a good solution so people can Defend, alter, their suggestion. Alternatively I could allow the OP to to add comments to reply to posters, but that also has the opportunity to spiral down, because then the person that put the vote be felt called out and want to reply as well. Voting ethics is something debated by humans since 500 BCE, from ostracization to modern democracies.   We have the link to the discussion for a feature there for a reason. You can use either the Discussion boards here or Reddit to debate and discuss.   So for the time being, I will just say that this post can be used as an open call for you to come to me when you have an issue and you are more than welcome to do so, either by email or on Discord
Current score

18/300 Votes · +1930 points

Votes Cast

  • -10

    by DesertAnubis
    on 2021-11-14 22:14
    I like the alternative that is being suggested, that there be a checkbox to enable/disable notifications about a suggestion. If you're of the compulsive sort who will check notifications even though you KNOW you're going to be stressed out by them, it's nice to just not have them to begin with, and to decide to go visit your suggestion when you're ready rather than when notifications hit you over the head. But allowing a submission to be prematurely closed is to quit before an idea has a chance to develop - what if you ran into all the knuckleheads right in the beginning? Give it a chance. But none or reduced notifications would be nice.
  • +300

    by WitchRobes
    on 2021-11-04 12:39
  • +300

    by ForgetfulRiver
    on 2021-11-03 22:54
  • +20

    by Vertixico
    on 2021-11-02 20:42
  • +300

    by gigabits
    on 2021-11-02 17:41
  • +300

    by A Glamorous Cthulhu
    on 2021-10-30 08:45
  • +300

    by Kriltch
    on 2021-10-29 20:36
  • +300

    by TheBlackHybrid
    on 2021-10-29 20:21
  • +10

    by hcraven
    on 2021-10-29 17:20
    Maybe we could have a checkbox before making a suggestion that asks if we want to receive notifications or not?   It's not like the author of a suggestion can really interact with comments or otherwise defend their suggestion anyway.
  • -10

    by DMFW
    on 2021-10-29 10:58
  • -300

    by A Mischievous Dwarf
    on 2021-10-29 01:24
  • +50

    by ss2020
    on 2021-10-29 01:22
  • -50

    by Horazath
    on 2021-10-28 22:31
    I don't think this is a good idea, plain and simple. (Ironic, huh) I do understand your plight though. Maybe adding the option of hiding your username just in case you might get harassed would remedy a little? But once you make a suggestion it's out in the water for people to vote on. Death of the author and what not. There's always the option to just not look at the suggestion if it goes south and ignore rude comments, which I highly suggest.
  • +100

    by B_Sylphaen
    on 2021-10-28 20:20
  • -10

    by Amancham
    on 2021-10-28 18:47
    I'm torn, tbh. On the one hand I understand the wish to stop the flow of notifications, especially if it's a downvote and comment Nr. 10 about the same already existing feature.   On the other hand, it invites closing the suggestion down because one is angry/hurt about one or two downvotes, while others might like the suggestion or it might get more support over time. (To clarify, I'm not saying that is you, I'm saying it might happen to some people. Any system can be abused, unfortunately.)   This would waste coins of the ones who were in support and might lead to people being less inclined to support suggestions because they fear, that it might not stick around? (I might be wrong, I'm just trying to look at different angles)   TBH, I totally understand that some comments can seem rude or harsh. Sometimes I'd wish editing was a thing, to add more clarification in the suggestion or edit a comment after the fact, because in the heat of the moment, things might get worded poorly. (I get, why this is not a thing, but still) I know there is the option to attach a discussion and maybe with discussion boards this might work better, but my experience is, that off-site discussions rarely are utilized.   Maybe this feature needs one or two dedicated staff members/moderators, that can be contacted in such a case and could close a suggestion if there is a good reason like the here mentioned one?
  • +50

    by scholarmage
    on 2021-10-28 12:55
    If somebody makes a suggestion, I think they should have the right to withdraw their own suggestion, especially if there are unkind comments - something that happens all too often online. I know that a few times I've looked for something in World Anvil, can't find it, so have asked about it on Discord - then not 5 minutes later I've found it and felt like an idiot wasting other people's time. Or how about even if somebody makes a suggestion, then the commentary clarifies their thought and they want to make a similar, but improved suggestion? World Anvil is all about taking control of your creativity - and I think that should extend to your own suggestions.
  • -10

    by Wordigirl
    on 2021-10-28 10:47
    I agree with Valhaia that sometimes the negative responses can be quite mean, but many people such as I (and others I've seen) share polite, constructive criticism as opposed to just downvoting and yelling at the person. I believe that each suggestion should stay open because if one uninformed person downvotes a suggestion but does not know that the feature actually doesn't exist/would be useful etc, we would have a lot of premature closures. No matter if the suggestion is useful in my opinion or not, I applaud everyone for being brave enough to step out there and give their two-cents. The World Anvil community is meant to be very friendly, but perhaps the downvoting should be softened a bit or moderated more and maybe a PSA should be sent out to encourage people to stay kind even when they disagree with something? Thank you for your suggestion. I believe it does address some issues that need to be explored for the wellbeing of the community. God bless you.
  • -10

    by valhaia
    on 2021-10-27 23:37
    I'm going to say that this is a bit counterintuitive to what I understand the Suggestion & Voting board to be. Everyone should be able to share their thoughts and opinions for new features! Though I will say I've seen some folks who're perhaps a little too blunt in their responses.   Going to downvote this with the caveat that perhaps Dimi can include another optional checkbox beneath "Cast vote anonymously" to include whether or not we want to be notified for votes.
  • +300

    by Rilameth
    on 2021-10-27 20:41