Custom Input Page for Custom Article Templates | World Anvil

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Custom Input Page for Custom Article Templates

Feature Upgrade · Articles & templates · Created by NONGENTESIMUS
CustomTemplates CustomTemplateUI CustomTemplateUX GrandmaterFeature

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

My suggestion is it to include the option to create a custom entry form based on the already existing entry methodes.

It should allow the user to create their own entry boxes that then save the entry into the metadata json format so that they can use them for the existing advanced templates.

For example I want to add a list of characters that know a spell to a custom spell template. Sure I could write it into the text or create a tag that I add to every character that I want on that list. Instead I could add an multi-character-article-entry field to the template and addjust the custom html to only show the list and the title if the list actually contains at least one character.

When a person currently wants to use custom entry fields when using a custom template they need to write it in json. This is not a good user expirence, since creates unessesary work when using the template.


How does this feature request address the current situation?

It would help streamline the use of custom templates while working.


What are other uses for this feature request?

I am not quite sure about this. It is a feature to improve an already powerful feature and make it more appealing to use regularly.

Follow up

Thanks for Dimitri's response. Good to know it is finaly in planning.

The Team's Response

Hello NONGENTESIMUS!   This is already planned for the next iteration of the templating system :)
Current score

19/300 Votes · +4703 points

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