Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great time forging stuff! I just wanted to share a few words and express a vast range of feelings.   I've been building my world Vitallia since the age of 13. I never stopped to be honest. I kept all my notes from every campaign, all the characters, the Gods, the monsters, the events. I used them all as canon for my books and my world. I've been adding everything to World Anvil for the past 3 years and i've JUST FINISHED!   Over 700 articles, characters, kingdoms, history, creatures, events. So much stuff that I wish to share with everyone. I really hope that people will start to use this world for their campaigns, it's like a dream of mine.   If you wish to take a look, I suggest that you click on the Chronicles of Vitallia first at the homepage to get an overview of the world's timeline. This will give you a hint about the world and how it functions.   Of course, the world is not 100% complete, there's still maps for certain regions to be added and I will always add new details. But still, this is a glorious day!   Please feel free to reach out for any questions, I'd love to talk with you all. Any feedback will of course be appreciated.   #worldember #worldbuilding #vitallia #meteortales #fullworld