Jaeva Leafmender by Knightowl | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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The Scourge at the Broean Tundra

In the world of The Skyrunner Tribe

Visit The Skyrunner Tribe

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The Scourge at the Broean Tundra

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Bringing herself to stand, the healer would travel to the front of the mess hall, clearing her throat to gather the attention of her audience. "As some of you know, back when the war of undeath had broken out, I worked as a leading field medic for a division of The Horde Military. My battalion was sent out to assist in the defense of Warsong Hold, up in the Borean Tundra. It was fortunate that we arrived when we did, for the entire inn was filled with fallen grunts of every kind. Generals were missing, and most of my patients were suffering from severe punctures, necrotic venoms, blackened limbs from shadow magic, and in some cases, mild asphyxiation from the heavily sticky webs that covered some of their armor." She would pause, frowning slightly as she recalled her past. "It became clear to me that the base was under siege by the Nerubians. Flying spider-like creatures that spat acidic venom.. Upright spider men with powerful shadow magic to assault the body, the mind, and the soul.. As well as massive armored beetles with blows to break even the strongest well-forged weaponry."

Her nose crinkled. "It was chaotic. I had assigned my medics to different parties, the game plan was to retake the surrounding area by force. Our first priority was to take out the magic wielders, who were sapping the strength from our soldiers, brought down by dazing and crushing them. Next was the strong Nerubs. As armored as they were, the shells had to be broken off before any meaningful blows could follow through. Then finally, we had to knock the flying creatures from the skies. It was difficult to target them in flight, so the endeavor took hours." She pursed her lips slightly as she looked to everyone. "Our methods secured the land over the span of weeks. The only way for it to truly end was to destroy the massive tunnels they had burrowed and were using for travel to attack. Then we had to free our soldiers from web traps and destroy any eggs littered around the place." Jaeva would shift her weight on her hooves as she seemed thoughtful for a moment. "But those aren't the only foes I've had to heal and fight against. After the battle in Borean Tundra, my Battalion was moved up to Dragonblight. There we were positioned at Agmar's Hammer, where we secured a caravan for our remaining supplies and soldiers that were still on the mend. We departed to head Northeast, traveling in shifts to ensure we were always on the move, leaving small breaks for the beasts of burden to rest. I remember I was on the night watch, sitting on the top of the caravan to keep an eye on my surroundings. Something about Dragonblight's open plains... It's a massive, snow covered desert wasteland with little landmarks save certain enormous dragon bones you might pass here and there. It looked to be quite empty, and it seemed we would be able to get to Crystalsong Forest with little trouble.... Then before I knew it, we were being ambushed by skeletons that were clawing their way up from the snow."

"There were hundreds of them, and we were absolutely surrounded. Some had fought us in melee, others were casting spells of a death and shadow variety, some of them chilled us further than the biting cold ever could. Hours of combat, we were taking heavy losses, and the more we slayed, more would pop up. But Skeletons, as hard as it may seem to find a weak point on something with no flesh or parts to damage, their bodies without armor are so, very brittle. The cold, and the age of their bones can work against them. Hit them hard enough and you can make them shatter, if not fall apart entirely." Jaeva would exhale softly through her nose. "The skeletons stopped when the sun rose, and what remained of our numbers would burn our fallen, as well as the bones to ensure they would not be risen again. Then we had continued with our path to Crystalsong, where we met up with a Magus of Dalaran to get us transported up to the floating city to recuperate and restock our supplies." Jaeva would remain up there for a moment more, staying to hear out any questions or comments.

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