Onunea Geographic Location in Zosoa | World Anvil
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A large and diverse continent, known in antiquity as Zebar, Onunea lies to the direct south of Kivosia. Its main inhabitants are humans, tabaxi, lizardfolk, and loxodons, but the serpentine (and formerly human) yuan-ti have a presence here as well.   Lumind is a mercantile empire in the north of Onunea, with common exports including gold, fabrics, and adamantine. Only a few decades old, it has been forced to compete with the older city-states of the Dawan region to the south for control over trade across the Atunzi Ocean. The Lumindans are also known for scholarship, in both magical and mundane subjects. While Great Kivosia is famous for its conjurers and diviners, Lumind has many wizards skilled in abjuration and transmutation.   The kingdom of Zembah was once an influential empire, whose fertile fields and plentiful resources allowed it to trade across the world. The Zemban Empire ruled most of northern Onunea, southern Kivosia, and parts of Duriac. Unfortunately, this realm is now in decline, its mercantile dominance far in the past and its territories reduced to the northwest of Onunea. Additionally, its ally the Tritonic Empire is now divided, and its diplomatic relations with Onun are worsening. Zembah's greatness is not completely lost; its thousand-year-old capital still stands, as do its high stone obelisks and the ancient spells inscribed in them. Though there is a military, including a powerful navy, Zembah is also guarded by an order of paladins called the Gasha. However, some view these paladins as overly zealous and self-righteous. Most of the Zembans are human, but a number of tabaxi live in the kingdom as well, and groups of lizardfolk can be found in the southeastern swamps.   Running along the eastern coast of Onunea, the region known as the Dawan is a collection of city-states. The Dawani are known for their finely made ships, and the merchants and explorers who sail them across the world. Located in the continent's center is the gargantuan Ysonra Forest, where treants defend the wildlife and humanoids ride flying kongamatos, giant lizards, and giant eagles. It is not all wilderness; the Yson are capable metalworkers and have a few kingdoms and several cities. To Ysonra's southeast, a number of once independent realms with widely varying cultures surrounding Lake Pam form the Pamzu Confederacy.   At the southern tip of Onunea, the desert called the Dry Sea is sparsely populated by nomadic humanoids, but ancient, massive creatures are said to hide among its dunes. The nearby realm of Akosin is the land of the cursed, serpentine yuan-ti, which is on the verge of war with the Onun Empire. Dominating the west coast, Onun has many races but is ruled by a dynasty of tabaxi today, and is famous for its pious clerics.
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