Falari Organization in Zosoa | World Anvil
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Falari (Fə-LAR-ee)

Falari is an ancient realm on the western coast of Bilorr, just east of the Elven Gulf and southeast of the Thusen Archipelago. It was founded by elves and, due to laws stating that nobles must have at least 100 years of age, is primarily ruled by them as well, though some minotaurs and humans live there as well. The Falarians have millennia-old traditions of wizardry and alchemy, and have been an economic power for equally long, trading all throughout northern and western Bilorr. These specialities are often combined; wizards in training across Bilorr often seek out Falarian merchant-mages for spell scrolls and simple magic items.


Falari is jointly ruled by two kings or queens, but there also exists a council of elders that elects, advises, and can even overrule them. Similar to the general nobility, this council of elders has an age requirement of 450 years. The realm's nobles are granted their own fiefdoms to rule over, but still answer to the rulers.   But rumor has it that the Council of Elders is plagued by corruption--some even go so far as to claim that the council has been infiltrated by undead.


Falari was founded about 1,500 years ago, from a much older elven tribal confederation. That alliance of tribes had been opposed to a similar one of humans and elves from what is now southern Falari and Matalas. Several of the rival tribes split off and united with the northern high elf tribes, and eventually they founded a new realm, led by two rulers so that the interests of each group could be equally represented. With cultural diffusion and intermarriage between the tribes, there is no longer a need for each ruler to be descended from one group or the other in modern times. However, in some areas, tribal affiliations are maintained.   In even more ancient times, times that even the oldest elf historian knows little of, parts of Falari and the Thusen isles were inhabited by the civilization of Alfan. Eventually, Alfan fell, and the area was taken over by giants, and remained under theyr rule until the fall of the fifth Umanar Empire.

Demography and Population

Falarian high elves are the most common, followed by Matalan and Thuseni elves. Minotaurs, and Thuseni and Bilora humans, make up significant minorities. Elvish in the common language, but Matalan, Thuseni, and Umanar are all spoken in certain areas.


Falari is mountainous and hilly in the north, covered by plains and farmland in the southwest, and lightly forested in the southeast.


Zosoa is held on the highest regard, followed by Ennera. Idali is slightly less respected, but Jovac receives few, if any prayers from most Falarians.

Foreign Relations

Although they were once frequently engaged in cold wars with one another, Falari maintains decent relations with the latest Umanar Empire. In order to maintain trade, Falari generally avoids hostilities with nearby realms in general. However, pirates from the Thusen Archipelago sometimes disrupt shipping, and the Falarians regard these brigands as bitter enemies.
Founding Date
3663 HC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System

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