Saveara Olgrim Character in Zodia | World Anvil
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Saveara Olgrim

Madam Saveara Osteo Olgrim- Cromwell (a.k.a. The Pale Witch)

Savaera Olgrim is the loving wife of Nelio Olgrim, the mother of Calamitas, Dante, & Pandora Olgrim, the founder of the Pale Legion, a legendary huntress & holds the orange aspect of bravery. She is a kind & charismatic woman, known to frequent many taverns to get acquainted with the locals of many settlements although she isn't afraid to go off on people who disrespect her, her craft, or her people. She is one of the head scientists of the Olgrim Kingdom using her skills to develop new dark inventions and weapons and willing to use various methods to get what she wants.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Savera is an above average height oni female, with a slender but athletic build. She has a deathly white complexion, with red eyes, and long white hair.

Body Features

As a bone oni she has the DNA of bone devils in her blood as well as blood elementals in her genes giving her a connection to blood and bones. Saveara has 10ft. long tail that she can retract on the tip a stinger that can inject necrotoxin.

Identifying Characteristics

Saveara is discernible by her deathly white skin, her curved ram-like horns coming from her forehead.

Special abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: After the procedure Saveara's physical strength is increased as she can break rocks and iron bars.
  • Superhuman Durability & Stamina: After the vigor procedure her physical durability is increased as she can take blows from very powerful people. She can continue moving without sustenance and rests for weeks.
  • Superhuman Speed: Saveara is very fast, able to run up to 220mph.
  • Regeneration: Saveara is capable of regeneration from injury and lost limbs.
  • Pain Tolerance: Saveara due to her trauma has a high tolerance for physical pain.
  • Poison Immunity: Saveara is immune to poisons and toxins.
  • Arcane Magic: Saveara is an arc mage very talented in arcane magic specializing in necromancy.
  • Swarm Sorcery: Through her ingenuity she came adept in the magic of the swarm.
  • Pale Pyrokinesis: A blessing from birth the power to control and generate pale green flames, as cold as death and siphons life.
  • Hemokinesis: From her mother's blood she can command pre-existing blood.
  • Osteokinesis: From her father's blood she can control pre-existing bone.
  • Chronokinesis: From the death of the Oridian Chronos she took his power to manipulate the flow of time.
  • Sinful Legacy: One of her most powerful abilities brought about through intense stress and emotion. Her strength, durability, regeneration, speed increases immensely. She grows three sets of wings and has the mentality of a real devil.

Spirit & Miracles

  • Increased Spirit Reserves: After the vigor procedure Saveara has a large amount of spirit reserves.
  • Love: A miracle surgically placed on her soul allowing her to grant boosts to the target depending on how much she loves the target.

Apparel & Accessories

Saveara wears black leather clothing, covered in a black magical hooded cloak. She wears a pale green ring that allows intangibility, her wedding ring made from red bloodstone.

Specialized Equipment

  • Burial Blades: Saveara's main weapons were originally a pair of mundane kamas, then altered by Nio Olgrim. Extremely sharp blades as well as a shotgun/SMG firing ether rounds. They have gravity ether pommels that allow them to levitate and become a larger scythe. Through ancient swarm runes the blades can imbue themselves with virulence to corrode them down.
  • Ether Shurikens: Saveara's throwing weapons tipped with ether to explode upon impact.
  • Blighted Mask: A magic mask made by Nelio Olgrim that can emit concentrated blight from the eyes.
  • Cloak Of Death: A magic cloak made by Nelio Olgrim that when opened emits rancor.
  • Pale Ring: An ancient relic that allows her to become intangible.
  • Death Oculus Eye: The eye of a death oculus fashioned into a necklace that allows Saveara to bypass the limits of necromancy and control an indefinite amount of undead.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Saveara was born October 29th, by the legendary vanir huntsmen Ostegoth & Hemalia being raised as a martial artist and mage as she was the first one of her bloodline to be a prodigy in arcane magic opting for necromancy. She loved her people and became undead at a young age although tragedy struck when the Iron Angels came and ended her people slaughtering them in front of her and she almost met her end but she managed to escape and make her way to Gardenia.   She lived in an orphanage run by an elven woman named Mother Ethelia who showed her nothing but vitriol and prejudice locking her in the basement to not bother anyone. While locked in the black mold basement starved, and dying she felt a sense of dread wash over her and she met Morigan scared at first but grew to trust him and learn more magic from him being able to materialize food and water. She eventually met Nio Olgrim, another arcane prodigy but specializing in evocation magic she, him, and Morigan spent time together growing closer to Nio during that time. Being given a hermetics from Nio as a gift she fell for Nio but had to leave him during the Battle Of Bladefall where she was taken by Zyler to be his apprentice.   For seven years she was his apprentice in Asphodel forced to don a human guise and go by the name Alexa. She was taught in many ways to be a better mage but she also suffered immensely from the abuse he inflicted from dismembering her with a touch to harvest blood, having her beaten to near death in training, and when she didn't show quick enough progress undergo a few procedure that involved augmenting her through injections of vitality ether and their secret Anima Sphere.     She got new found freedom when Nio came during the Black Garden War finally getting free from Zyler dropping her guise and returning to the tiefling he loves to look at using her necromancy to aid the Gardenians during the war. Despite being at odds with Astrea & Neve she became a great ally using her undead and knowledge of darkness to aid the others. She made the Pale Legion her undead horde turned mercenary group and aid in areas where the Olgrim Kingdom couldn't reach.   When the Icons Of Damnation kept returning to their domains she crafted special runes that allow travel to Hakanion and enabled permanent deaths to Mephiles's disciples. She spilt a lot of blood to grow her numbers, and made many more inventions. Saveara eventually married Nio in heaven just to get under the skin of the angels it's there she met Audrey the one who incited the Iron Massacre starting another vengeful crusade against another who wronged her. Although she learned epic magic and triumphed over Audrey she continues to live as a popular and beloved, huntress, mother, wife, and scientist continuing to work for Gardenia.


Saveara received a lot of education, learning basic education from Scarlett College in her childhood. While a prodigy in arcane magic she went through the standard arcane course in her childhood as well as learning chakra and martial arts from her family. She studied swarm apocrypha in her youth learning about the dark beings that dwelled in the stars.   Once she came to Gardenia after the Iron Massacre she learned esoteric arcane secrets from Morigan. She gained further knowledge once she became the apprentice of Zyler spending 7 years with him expanding her skills in necromancy, illusion, martial arts, and even learning old technology from Zyler like cloning technology, alchemy, as well as other dark rituals.   She continued to learn necroscience, epic magic, and other dark secrets from the relics she keeped.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • She was an arcane prodigy in necromancy being able to make a risen at the age of 8.
  • Saveara avenged her people in the Pale Purge, ending the Iron Angels and all 20,000 humans who had wronged her.
  • She was one of the very few to achieve a legacy, the Sinful Legacy during the Pale Purge.
  • Taking knowledge she gained from Zyler she made technology capable of cloning organic matter.
  • She gained freedom from her master Zyler becoming free from his abusive and exploitation.
  • Saveara and her party ended Mozenrath, a demon lord and an ancient enemy of her people.
  • She ended the Oridian Chronos gaining his power of Chronokinesis.
  • Saveara found a means of mastering Swarm Sorcery, learning how to command the old, destroying magic & even making life from it like Sevarog.
  • During the Black Garden War she invented a rune that allowed infiltration of domains to end powerful enemies.
  • She became one of the few zodians to master epic magic and invented a spell called Grimm Law.
  • Upon the end of the Black Garden War she claimed some of the swarm for her own, forming her Pale Brood.
  • She made many rituals and projects to aid others like the Purging Ritual, project Belnor, project sorrow, ECT.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • She couldn't save any of her own family in the Iron Massacre, having to watch as her family was slaughtered.
  • Saveara failed to stop Veronica from hurting Nio as she was also subjected to psychic agony from her miracle.
  • She failed to meet the expectations of Zyler during her training under him.

Mental Trauma

Saveara has had immense trauma from the Iron Massacre watching asphodelian huntsmen slaughter everyone she's ever known including her own parents. It was been amplified through other traumatic events like the seven years she spent with Zyler being beaten to near death regularly for training, & being broken down by his miracle to harvest her blood. She has had an intense hatred for Virgo's Clergy and her celestials for her time there.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is a quick learner, being able to learn people's habits and deduce their future actions. She is very persistent as she doesn't waver from her studies and projects.

Morality & Philosophy

Savera is a person who believes that those who cause her pain, those who strip away what she holds dear deserves no quarter and are hers to use and torment. She doesn't fight with the honor of traditional knights, she fights like a vanir using her opponents weakness against them, making traps and hazards, overwhelming them with numbers, bending their blood and bones, severing limbs and heads. She isn't above using death and brutal tactics as every death adds to her numbers.   As a vanir she doesn't care for traditional ideals on good and evil. If something benefits her or helps her loved ones she's willing to do it. This doesn't mean she kills for the fun of it, the innocent remain out of her ire; she even goes to aid them from time to time despite trying to act cold and distant.


  • Saveara despises enchanters as their magic defiles and warps the identities of others seeing her magic as morally superior as undead are inert and enchanters beguile others.
  • Harming the innocent is against her code as she was once defenseless and wishes to spare others from her pain.
  • Dishonesty to her kin and allies is vile to her; she was raised as a vanir to value honesty and transparency with her people.

Personality Characteristics


Saveara is motivated by pain & vengeance as well as love bringing using her tools for who she loves. She is motivated by a want to belong and have community as her undead were a means of comradery.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Saveara is a genius when it comes to magic and necromancy. She is good at tactics and leading using intelligence to plan successful attacks and defensive measures.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Necromancy
  • Nelio Olgrim
  • Vanir
  • Hades
  • Undead
  • Alcohol


  • Celestials
  • Druids
  • Enchantment
  • Asphodel

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Saveara, despite her demeanor, has kindness in her heart underneath the pain being able to show compassion to others.
  • She is brave, passionate, successful, and extremely loyal to those he loves.
  • She is also determined and persistent, able to find solutions and succeed in her experiments.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • She is very opportunistic, often using others' situations for her own ends.
  • Saveara is known to be ruthless and selfish at times she will often look for any excuse to kill and add to her horde and take all she can.
  • She is often absorbed in her own work ignoring others when she is really in the zone.


Contacts & Relations

  • Scorpio, God Of Truth: The god of Saveara and her people from her birth she has had a relationship with Scorpio. She is a devout member of his faith; she studies, prays at his altars, and learns magic.
  • Phantom: One of her closests friends is a lacrimite that she has known ever since she was in Asphodel.
  • Gressil, The Last Goetia: Gressil is one of the last Goetia demons after his kind was culled by devils although he procured numerous objects and artifacts of the demons and devils held in his vault. He spends his life making deals with mortals for his wares in exchange for souls, the main food source of his people. Gressil was a long time merchant to the vanir people and then to Saveara as she supplied souls of her enemies for various items like 20,000 human souls for the Death Oculus Eye, 880,000 orcish souls for the hex core ECT. Despite younger souls yielding greater rewards she won't give those souls to him.
  • Astrea Olgrim, The Sword Queen: The sister in-law of Saveara Olgrim and the queen of the Olgrim Kingdom. The two didn't get along from the start of their relationship as there was great mistrust between the two as she didn't like druids and Astrea thought of her as a bad influence on her brother. Over time the two began to find trust in each other forged through their shared love for Nio, Astrea gave her hel-walkers to Saveara and she used her expertise to aid Astrea. Now they work together in the Olgrim Kingdom as Saveara performs other experiments in service of the Olgrim Kingdom.
  • R-0, Morigan Aldian, The Gentle Shade: A close friend of Saveara the two met when she came to Gardenia. When she was left in the basement of the orphanage she met the demon lurking in the shadows but he turned out to be a kind and caring person of old age and immense arcane knowledge. He taught her some of his arcane secrets, being able to make better undead than she typically could. Their relationship became strained when he left Gardenia and Zyler found her confirming him to be a demon who only used her for a moment of peace while others would suffer although their relationship would be mended when they met again during the Black Garden War as they aided each other on numerous occasions. She considers him a close friend and even made a mundus just for him.


  • Sevarog, Hammer Of Famine - 005,500: One of the first undead Saveara made through swarm sorcery. He was a large and powerful floating specter wielding his necropolis maul he could swallow souls when he fought. Saveara adores Sevarog and he served his duty well defending her during her pregnancies and doing anything she ordered. He was one of the undead murdered in the Red Gash when wrath came to destroy the Pale Legion.
  • Aldrich, The 1st. Pale Lord - 003,720: The first risen Saveara ever made at the age of 8, the two were close friends and thought to have died during the Iron Massacre but 9 years later he was found in Geo as a vigilante against an orcish clan. Upon coming back to his creator and master he was an invaluable huntsman under her service as he ascended to a tyrant risen during the years apart. With his combat experience and mighty blade scythe he was amazing in battle and remained one of Saveara's most loved undead as he's one of few people from her homeland to live. He was however murdered in the Red Gash leading to a statue being erected in his honor and his blade scythe as a tombstone.
  • Pagino, Winds Of Despair - 003,700: Pagino was one of the original Pale Lords and a close friend and ally of Saveara. Finding her frozen on Mt. Blizzard by a hag that removed her eyes she became risen by Saveara's magic and given elven eyes. Pagino felt indebted to Saveara after being given a new life and worked to serve her, taking the infusion procedure becoming imbued with primordial cold and commanding many undead in service to her. Sadly Pagino was murdered in the Red Gash a statue built in her honor to comemorate her service with her blades as tombstone.
  • Fuegoron, The Flames Of War - 003,250: One of the original Pale Lords he was made a risen from the body of a human who died in an orc raid his corpse still hot with anger. Upon his second life he was willing to serve Saveara as long as he got to kill as many people as he pleased; a compromise was made to only kill the numerous enemies that would participate in the Black Garden War. After undergoing an infusion procedure he came imbued with the wrathful flames of draugr and with his maul very few could stand up to the flames of war. He stood uncontested being sent in extermination missions due to his bloodlust. Beloved and somewhat feared by the Pale Legion he would go on to win many battles but he perished in the Red Gash like the rest of his brethren a statue was made in his honor with his own maul as a tombstone.
  • Fegami, The Plague Maiden - 003,100: One of the original Pale Lords risen by Saveara's magic after she found her dead in Thundahiem. Once risen Fegami went through the infusion procedure to be imbued with primordial poison and locust. With her poison, locusts, and bow she was a powerful force as she spread poison and disease on the battlefield difficult to harm due to her regeneration. Despite her might she was murdered in the Red Gash and like her brethren a statue was made in her honor with her bow as a tombstone.
  • Grisha, The Obsidian Scholar - 880,000: Grisha was one of the original Pale Lords, the last of the original who joined during the Black Garden War after the defeat of Moira he came to offer his services to a more benevolent necromancer. Saveara reluctantly accepted him due to the sheer amount of undead he brought with him to bolster her ranks, the knowledge he held as a very old undead so old that he was an eidolon doctor in his previous life. He was the oldest and wisest of the lords so knowledgeable that the others called him the Scholar running the archives and adding new tomes to the collection. Although he was murdered in the Red Gash and as per tradition a statue was made in his honor.
  • Emma - 080,050: A risen who was met during Saveara's time in Atlas Ire reborn from a human corpse that died of starvation. Initially hesitant to follow Saveara, her competence and power swayed her into servitude using her new life in the service of others. She wants to ascend to a risen tyrant to be one of the next Pale Lords now that the others have met their end so to increase her odds she is conscripted to defend Pandora.
  • Ray - 080,049: A risen who was met during Saveara's time in Atlas Ire reborn from a human corpse that died of starvation. Ray was fine following Saveara upon his rebirth as he wanted payback from the orcs that lead to his death with his swords and guns he became a deadly combatant despite being a common risen. Wanting more status as a Pale Lord he works with his sister Emma & brother Norman through being guardians of Pandora.
  • Norman - 080,051: One of the Saveara's risen found with his siblings during her time in Atlas Ire starved to death. Now as a risen he is a smart and calculated warrior working hard to become a new lord working with his siblings defending Pandora.
  • Xagos, The Blade Of Famine: One of the swarm of the Pale Legion originally an acolyte of Demonia's brood now serving a new master. Saveara sympathized with Xagos's devotion to someone who aids him and his people as well as the rejection that came of the perceived frailty of his body setting him up to be her next Carrion should anything happen to Sevarog. Finding someone else to put his faith in he worked hard finally taking the sentinel morph after his 550 years as an acolyte & even reaching the rank of Hallowed. He is fiercely loyal to Saveara, doing anything for his new master.
  • Simare, The Web Weaver: Simare is one of the Pale Legion members, a wydownin baron who is skilled in the crafting of weapons in her original people's brand & wydownin brand weapons. She makes weapons for the Pale Legion with the others of the legion who do smithing leading the forge of the legion. Saveara adores Simare for her work and commitment to the cause.
  • Kolam, The Pale Eyes: One of the swarm under Saveara's command originally part of Velorina's brood dedicated to her now Saveara. As one of the rare swarm of strider morphs he is very important for espionage, being willing to go anywhere for his new leader.
  • Onikun, The Pale Mother: One of Saveara's most trusted swarm the daughter of Romulus & Velorina. Hating her family's legacy she sought to cast away all ties to her family she had her larva purged and took up the magic of mortals becoming an evoker. She is one of the swarm mages of her coven and the one trusted enough to come and go as she pleases.
  • Xolana, The Phantom: One of the swarm mages of her coven casting away her larva to use arcane magic using illusion magic to craft many horrors to defend the island.
  • Balwur, The All Seeing: One of the swarm mages of her coven casting away her larva to use arcane magic using divination to see into the future.
  • Ovatan, The Undying: One of the swarm mages of her coven casting away her larva to use arcane magic using necromancy to make undead hordes like her master. She loves necromancy to make more help for herself and her new family.
  • Acona, The Dark Forger: One of the swarm mages of her coven casting away her larva to use arcane magic using transmutation to manipulate matter and conduct better alchemy. Acona also uses her magic to make swarm weapons from chitin.
  • Selna, The Barrier: One of the swarm mages of her coven casting away her larva to use arcane magic using abjuration to ward off the island.


  • Audrey Pendragon, The Blood Princess: Audrey is one of Saveara's most despised enemies as she is the one who incited the Iron Massacre. She had her people killed simply because she wanted to be the best blood bender by being the only one. Saveara & Audrey once fought leaving her victorious and beheading the seraphim.
  • Rhodes Ferrona, The Iron Knight: The leader of the Iron Angels and the one who led the charge in the Iron Massacre. By his order all 30,000 monks of the House Of Cromwell were slaughtered, even the mighty Ostegoth & Hemalia Cromwell in front of their daughter. She hates him and all of the humans he led on that day and planned their deaths in the Pale Purge.
  • Veronica Neuralgia, The Psychic Agony: A human girl of noble status, the youngest of the now gone House Neuralgia and one of the enemies of Saveara since she first came to Gardenia. Not afraid to show her prejudice towards tieflings and determination to have Nio under her thumb, the two have hated each other for a long time. Their feud ended when House Neuralgia was outed for their treachery and an attempt on Saveara's life was done although Saveara won and unlocked her miracle. Veronica died that day broken and her system flooded with necrotoxin.
  • Zyler Aldian, The Demon Alchemist: A old eidolon man who found her in Gardenia during the Black Garden War and took her under his wing. For seven years he had her under his thumb and subjected her to cruel treatment to make her stronger. She gained immense magical knowledge allowing her to go further in necromancy and illusion magic, she gained more combat experience through Zyler's brutal training, she learned about old age tech like miracle tech and the Fantasma. He also gained her blood through his own miracle and the painful process of being disassembled again and again. He also conducted a deadly procedure meant to augment her albiet in an agonizing process while it worked it didn't make her good enough. Once she finally got free of Zyler she worked to use everything in her power to foil his plans and end his terror she dismantled his operation in Onyxia and aided in ending Mephiles.

Family Ties

  • Astrea Olgrim (Sister in-law)
  • Luna Olgrim (Sister in-law)
  • Sol Olgrim (Brother in-law)
  • Sellfur Olgrim (Father in-law)
  • Neve Olgrim (Mother in-law)

Social Aptitude

Saveara is very confident and blunt when she speaks; she's often able to get what she wants from others. She has a large uncontrollable grin when she is excited which makes others feel disturbed. While she is typically positive and cordial speaking sweetly ans showing as much physical affection as allowed the energy she gives off can often get uncomfortable when annoyed or enraged as she gives a deadly glare and her voice becomes flatter and monotone as her fingers constantly tap on the nearest surface.

Hobbies & Pets

Nanaki: An alpha cerberus that she had as a puppy fiercely loyal and ready to kill on command.
  • Alchemy
  • Drinking
  • Experiments


Saveara Olgrim

wife (Vital)

Towards Nelio Olgrim



Nelio Olgrim

husband (Vital)

Towards Saveara Olgrim




Saveara & Nio have been happily married and in love since they were children. They were stripped from each other for seven years by Zyler although once they reunited their love truly blossomed. They are loyal to each other and work hard for each other to keep each other safe.

Nicknames & Petnames

Saveara - Nio

  • Snow Fairy
  • Big Blue

Nio - Saveara

  • Angel Of Death
  • Succubus

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Nio & Saveara are both wizards and scientists having their own labs and their own experiments. They are both willing to fight till their last breath for what they care for. As huntsmen they try to make their children huntsmen just like them.

Shared Secrets

They are able to trust each other and are aware of the creation that is Pandora and the nature of her origin.

Wealth & Financial state

Saveara is incredibly wealthy from her work in the Black Garden War and the Pale Legion doing jobs and selling alchemical concoctions.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Pale Witch
  • The Worm Mother
  • The Scarlet Reaper
Date of Birth
29th of October, 10,201 (NZ)
Circumstances of Birth
Saveara was born unlike the others of her kind as a variant of bone oni bearing a deathly white complexion being a sign of good luck.
House Of Cromwell
Nelio Olgrim (husband)
Long, sleek, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly white
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "You angels are all the same, you sit in the sky judging us down below unaware of the fact that you are plagued in pride."
  • "No not while I'm so close and not at the hands of some genocidal psychopath."
  • "No gods, only devils."
  • "May the truth provide."
  • "Happened just how I planned it."
  • "You are under a misconception."
  • "You're not gonna hurt Phantom you can't afford for her core to get so much as a crack cause if anything happens to her you'll have zero protection from me and you of all people know how sharp my blades are."
  • "One that day I watched you and your men cut through everyone I love, mom, dad, and all my siblings you cleaved through them all and I'm ever so eager to return that pain."
  • "Virgo was too soft on you mongrels you deserve no mercy, no quarter I'll end them all and let the arbiter sort them out."
Scorpio, God Of Truth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Saveara is a knowledgeable person learning numerous languages and as a monk she can understand any language.
Ruled Locations
"You know Saveara I really didn't like you at first but you fought with vigor, ferocity, and you defended Gardenia well you're alright in my book. - Neve''   "Saveara I'm sorry you've been through so much, and I'm sorry for the way I acted to hide my own emotions. You help people, you make Nio happy, and we wouldn't be where we are without you. Your one of us let me treat you like it. - Astrea "   "Saveara Cromwell there is no place for you, a devil freak with no regard for the natural order, you may have helped me in my mission, the gods may have forgiven you for what you are but all you are destined for is the damnation you so richly deserve. - Veronica"   "Don't you dare forget it was me who uplifted you from that orphanage. It's because of me you are as strong as you are. Don't think you can turn your back on me, remember your place apprentice. - Zyler"

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