Jute Tarson Character in Zammintar | World Anvil
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Jute Tarson

Master Tarson is owner and operator of the smithy in Zannie's ford. He is a seventh generation Blacksmith and his size shows it. Jute lives just behind his forge with his wife Maijine and three daughters Harmony, Melody, and Erin. He is constantly swamped with orders for more tools from the nearby mine being the only smith in Zannie's ford. Jute also has two sons Brimm and Bromin who work and live in the mine. During festivals the boys return home along with the other men and they can be seen aiding their father at the shop. He likewise can be seen trying to send them away to enjoy themselves in the festivities as he knows how hard mining can be even for young men.


Jute Tarson


Towards Maijin Tarson

Maijin Tarson


Towards Jute Tarson

Maijin Tarson (spouse)

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