Subha Al-Waz, the Hajdibi desert explorer Character in Zami Ramal | World Anvil
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Subha Al-Waz, the Hajdibi desert explorer

Explorer Subha Alabin Al-Waz (a.k.a. Travelling Waz)

Subha Al-Waz, was a great desert explorer of the past. Born and raised in the eastern city of Hajdib, Subha was the first to explore and map the great desert, locating many well known landmarks upon his journey westwards to discover sources of fresh water. It is written that the first settlement of any permenance in Zami Ramal was the port landing of Hajdib, which is translated as "Far Pilgrimage". Travellers came to the shores of Zami Ramal, according to legend, through a portal from the Old Lands, on magical ships that deposited the nomadic people and their animals there. They built their shelters, they explored and they survived. Only some 200 years later did a brave adventurer seek routes further west than anyone had travelled before and that was Subha Al-Waz, and his party. Each day of his search was recorded in his scrolls, now a treasure in the Great Library, along with Subha's first maps and sketches of locations and landmarks now well-known to most people.

Subha's Trek
Starting out after the rains had ended and the dust storms had abated, Subha and his party set out on camels west from Hajdib with the purpose of finding other people, new creatures and plants and sources of water. The main group consisted of:
Subha Al-Waz, a male human. Subha was intelligent, ambitious and keen to improve the lives of the settlers in Zami Ramal.
Ehzan Bidi, a male dwarf. Ehzan was kind and thoughtful and knowledgable of geology and architecture.
Shira Madaei, a female Half-elf priestess of Selune. Shira was cursed with blindness in her left eye but her navigational skills were excellent.
Baendjedpty, a Half-elf Rogue. Baendjedpty was generous and impartial and particularly skilled in defense against creatures. No-one recorded their gender, so it has been written that they had none.

Using a compass and a telescope, both recently developed by scholars of Hajdib, the party first located the great crater lake two days across dry plains and drifting dunes. The location was home to a small group of priests who had been existing out here since the Landing and worshipped Chauntea, begging for the goddess to bless the lake with enough life to support them year by year. The lake was mapped and marked as Subha's Oasis, which is has been named ever since.

Subha's Oasis

Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born to scholarly parents in Hajdib 150 years after the Landing.
Circumstances of Death
Died of extreme old age (115) in the Temple of Selune, Hajdib.
Dark brown.
Long and black, in braids.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deeply tanned and weather worn.

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Character Portrait image: by pxelslayer


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