Spikekelp Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Spikekelp is a common species of kelp from the Frozen Volcanoes region of Ocearia. The protist is rather toxic, with sharp spines all along its body, which make them inedible to all creatures aside from slow-whales.


Spikekelp have incredibly thick stipes. Stipes are similar to stems in plants, except stipes do not perform any nutrient transport functions and instead support the blades and fronds of the kelp.

Their stipes, blades and fronds are all a deep blue colour, while their gas bladders are a yellowish-orange. These bright colours scare away animals from consuming them, a form of aposematism.

Along the blades of the spikekelp are thin, sharp spines, that embed themselves in anything that brushes past. The spines contain a fatal toxin that kills anything that it touches, however slow-whales possess skin so thick, particularly around the mouth, that the spines cannot get through.

Toxins & Slow-Whales

Spikekelp release a toxin through their spines when they puncture an animal. This can be when an animal swims past the kelp, and the spines fall off and stick into the animal with a hook on the end of them.

Slow-whales are an animal with extremely thick skin, especially around their mouths. This adaptation allows the animals to consume spikekelp without worrying about the toxic spikes. Slow-whales also help somewhat control the population of spikekelp in the Frozen Volcanoes, as they are the only animal species that consumes them and is the majority of their diet.

Spikekelp by Mochi
60 years
Average Height
5 - 20 metres
Geographic Distribution

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