Slime's First Birthday Tradition / Ritual in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Slime's First Birthday

Content Warning: Talks of Infant Mortality & Sex Positions

Anyone's first birthday is always an important one, but for slimes it is incredibly so. Due to the high infant mortality rate for slimes, reaching one's first birthday is an outstanding achievement and must be celebrated.

This birthday marks the transition between becoming part of a faceless batch of babies to a fully formed individual.

Countless Babies

Slimes have huge families. Slime couples will have up to a hundred babies at once, even if they cannot physically maintain all of their offspring. Most will sadly pass away, due to a lack of nurturing from parents. These babies are then consumed by others as they provide a small dose of nutrients. Having so many babies means only the fittest will survive, and by having so many babies with different genes there is a higher chance of producing offspring better suited to their environments.

This method of reproducing is generally frowned upon by other species, but it certainly has its merits. Not many people would be willing to eat their own children, but slimes are psychologically designed to only experience parental bonds with children around ages one and above.

There are just a few slime sex positions that result in pregnancies, and so when slimes actually want to have children they can try them out. Slimes usually start conceiving at the start of the year, that way they can easier track the birthdays of their masses of children. Because of this slimes all have the same birthdays.

First and Only Celebrations

While it may seem a little upsetting, parents don't feel much love for their children under the age of one. It isn't their fault; they are biologically conditioned to only feel love for their children once they've reached about a year old. So on this first birthday parents typically go all out on celebrating.

A slime's first birthday is typically celebrated by preparing their favourite meal. Even at age one, slimes are literate and communicative. For the entire day attention is focused on the one year old slime, and if there are multiple in a batch of children that survive to this age then they have a joint birthday.

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Aug 1, 2023 14:14

Uff, Happy "You survived one year an absorbed most of your siblings during this time"-Day, I guess. o.O

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