Run for Roses
In the vibrant Nakkan Swamp, nakkan roses grow just once every few years. They grow in times of floramagical abundances; their seeds are present in the soil, remaining dormant for years at a time, but can only grow when there is a surge in floramagic.
Due to the magical properties of these flowers, locals will strip the lands of these roses in a stressful, often hostile, event known as the Run for Roses.
Nakkan Rose
One of the most gorgeous plants on Emycelium, nakkan roses are unmistakeable with their bright orange and purple petals. Even rarer versions of these flowers have yellow on their petals, too. Their seeds are larger than the flower itself, buried at least ten metres below soil. Nakkan rose seeds taken out of its native soil and planeted elsewhere will not grow - even taking the rose and the soil it is buried in, it will not grow. Botanists have zero idea why.
Dashing About
This ritual might be a bonding experience for some, but for others it is a chance to outdo their rivals. Rivalries often form during the run for roses, more competitive people aiming to collect the most roses. This naturally leads to competitions between people, while others beg for this tradition to just be a positive experience.
Author's Notes
Inspired by my favourite song at the moment :)