
Moonmetal is a rare metal alloy found naturally within the moons of Adamne and Norrab. The material is magical in nature, linked to lunamancy.

Moonmetal is used in armour and weaponry, thanks to its powerful attributes. In every day life, moonmetal is almost unbreakable. This metal is often used in prosthetics for the elderly, who have a simple way of life and will have no way of breaking their prosthetic.


A powerful material that never spoils, moonmetal derives power from orbital objects. Many synthesize it and use the metal in prosthetics.


When broken, moonmetal is gravitationally attracted to whatever shatters it. In the battlefield this is lethal, and has an almost 100% kill rate.


Some weapons are designed to break. Made of moonmetal, these weapons are crafted to shatter into thousands of pieces and shred opponents.

History & Discovery

Moonmetal was first discovered several thousand years ago, on an oanie-led expedition to unearth rare resources on the moons of Adamne and Norrab. Moonmetal was among the first new resources to have been found.

The oanie were of course the first to weaponise moonmetal, immediately seeing its potential. The metal became a key part of their weaponry, used to this day in their spacecraft artillery.

After several other civilisations acquired moonmetal, scientists were able to synthesize this metal alloy in laboratories. Moonmetal was popularised around a thousand years ago, but is largely banned in modern militaries due to its power.

Dark grey, shimmering
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