Girl in Blue
The Girl in Blue has been spotted at every single major destructive event on Norrab in the last eight hundred years.
This supposed spirit hovers around areas where disasters are imminent. Nobody can seem to verify her presence. Even when onlookers are convinced they have caught her on camera, she never appears.
Her "existence" has only reinforced a fear of adamnans in norrabian culture. Many see this figure as a symbol of the entire species and the destruction they have brought upon Norrab.
Others see her as a sign of the end of the world. As freak weather phenomena only grow more common and more dangerous, with events like planktonic storms always making a dent in local populations, sightings of this girl increase.
This girl has been described many times, exactly the same. She is an unnaturally dark blue adamnan figure, no more than ten years of age. She has raven-black hair, soggy and straight. She always wears a light blue blouse reaching down to her feet, muddied at the very bottom.
She has been spotted all across the planet, however most common in Aridara, around the Sian Lowlands and Looming Desert.
Mummy, mummy! I see her!See who, darling?The girl in blue! She's right over there!Oh my god, you're right. Quick, get inside.