Chromatic Heart

This article is incomplete, and it shall be expanded upon some time in the future. :) If you would like to see it expanded upon, leave a comment letting me know!
Chromatic Heart by Mochi

Chromatic hearts are powerful magical items that have the ability to change the colour of something. When these hearts are used on a specific item, the user can choose whatever colour it should morph to. Chromatic hearts are not found in nature - they are created through several complex chromamagical spells that weave together the electromagnetic spectrum into a heart-shaped orb.

The limits of a chromatic heart is not yet known. The larger an item the heart is used on, the more energy is sucked from the user. Currently, the largest item a chromatic heart has been used on was a town on planet Triteia. The town was morphed into a dark green, and the user, Ebil Euas suffered fatal injuries afterwards. The town was then redecorated and painted all the colours of the rainbow, completely undoing Euas' work.


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