Blood Harvester

CW: Mentions of blood and death

Always keep a close eye out for the lurking individuals in a big city in outer space. You want to keep a fast pace; if you get too close to a black-robed person with dark red eyes, chances are they are harvesting your blood.

Blood harvesters either use blood to sell to companies, other blood mages, or to use purely for themselves. The latter is known as subsistence harvesting - not to be confused with subsistence farming, which shares the same principle.


Traditional Harvesting

Blood harvesting is typically done to dead bodies, specifically freshly deceased corpses. Blood is obviously fresher this way, and can be manipulated easier for spellcasting. Morgues and graveyards are common workplaces for blood mages as sanguimancers typically practice blood magic as a hobby.

Some sanguimancers do make their employers aware of their practices, some places allowing them to harvest a certain percentage of blood. Others will do it discretely, harvesting an even smaller portion per body as to not be discovered.

Distanced Harvesting

While traditional harvesting is banned in some regions, distanced harvesting is Yonderversally prohibited. Distanced harvesting is done on living people (and sometimes animals, for specific spellcasting) without their consent, which is the illegal part. This method of blood harvesting is done in urban areas - a higher density of people means it is easier to conceal their illegal actions.

Blood Mage harvesting blood by Mochi

Distanced blood harvesting involves casting a spacial blood transferring spell. A sanguimancer will identify its victim, as the average person secrete different odours that they can detect based on their blood type.


Blood harvesters often control the undergrowth economies of space colonies. Ffaea and Oystercatcher both have serious blood harvester populations, one of the main reasons many people don't visit these places. Nevertheless, other factors attract millions of visitors and tourists, more than enough to keep the megacities growing.

Four thousands of years blood harvesters worked incognito, ammassing millions for the blood they gathered. According to a research analysis held in 13404, 1,300 tonnes of harvested blood was sold to buyers outside of Oystercatcher, bringing in almost five billion charms.

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Material | Apr 14, 2024

An element with the symbol Bl. Blood is found as a compound inside most creatures in the Yonderverse, with very few exceptions.


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Oct 16, 2023 15:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Scary scary people. Does it hurt the victim or don't they notice? Or do they just feel a bit weird later?

Oct 16, 2023 16:11 by Mochi

steal a tiny bit of blood and people won't notice, but any more than a cup's worth and people might feel a bit faint or weird xD

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Oct 25, 2023 12:44 by Chris L

These are pretty creepy. I can see them walking through crowds, just filling up their blood bags as they go!

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Oct 26, 2023 06:43 by Mochi

Yessss, stay alert! I wouldn't want to have my blood taken by some random person >:(

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