
OMG let's go see Ara! I see she's on the podium today.
— Museum Visitors

Ar is the fossilised form of a saurian, a prehistoric sophont that once lived on planet Earth. She was the first fossil of her species discovered by humans, subsequently sending shockwaves through the palaeontology world.

Her discovery sparked controversy among humans. Many assumed, based on the premise that they were not the first sophonts of Earth, that they would not the be the last, and most did not like this. Ara's existence pushed companies to further research into prolonging human's existence, both by lifespan and as a species.

Unfortunately humans went extinct shortly after discovering this fossil. Ara was taken from the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin to the Earth Xenobiology Institute in Jupiter, where she currently resides.

Prehistoric Lifestyle

Ara was an arborian, an ethnic group limited to Permari, and island that once existed in the Tethys Ocean, which is now modern-day Germany. She had an arboreal lifestyle, living in large treehouses built on titanic conifer trees, or their prehistoric relatives.

It is believed that Ara was the leader of her tribe, as she was preserved with what looks like a crown made of the bones of several other dinosaur species, and the feathers of an archaeopteryx.

omg what a queen
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Species | Apr 29, 2023

An extinct sapient species from Earth. The first native sapient species to arise on the planet.


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Feb 6, 2024 17:44 by spleen

ooo this kinda reminded me of lucy

Have a wonderful day!
Feb 6, 2024 17:48 by Mochi

Yessss! Lucy and Ardi were both fossils that inspired me :D

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Feb 9, 2024 13:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Unfortunately humans went extinct shortly after discovering this fossil.' RIP   Ara is so cool. I love the idea of a sophont living on Earth before humans. :D

Feb 9, 2024 14:07 by Mochi

Thank youuu! <3

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